dungeons and dragons

See: Dungeons and Dragons Online

Cool, well, screaming forever now.

Neverwinter details the creation of the Atropal boss

The Atropal boss in Neverwinter is not something you want to run into in a dark alley. Heck, it's probably not something you want...

The Stream Team: Collecting the Tear of Dhakaan in Dungeons and Dragons Online

Massively OP's Justin & MJ are delving into another DDO adventure. They will be waging war against the Arzag-Khor tribe so that the hobgoblin...

Neverwinter’s Lost City of Omu improves upon the Chult campaign

Don't wash your hands of Neverwinter's Jungles of Chult campaign just yet. Cryptic's upcoming Lost City of Omu will flesh out the fun and...
This is the real magic item.

Neverwinter details the rewards of the Lost City of Omu

There's no pretense that the real treasures in Neverwinter are the friendships you make along the way. The real treasures are treasures. They are...
Stabby stabby

Massively OP Podcast Episode 156: Downfalls and uprisings

Justin and Bree discuss MMO and MOBA sunsets, WoW's Battle for Azeroth, Alganon, DDO, Star Citizen, and Blade & Soul, plus a bit about Ultima Online and LOTRO, with mailbag questions on Guild Wars 2's classes and the state of MMO communities.

Neverwinter has a free fashion bag heading your way

While it's not one of the greatest examples of such a system, Neverwinter's wardrobe does allow players to swap out their characters' armor visuals...

Global Chat: To RIFT or not to RIFT?

Everyone's talking about RIFT's new Prime server idea -- and whether or not it will get us playing Trion Worlds' fantasy MMO once again....

Neverwinter talks about game fixes, puts the final touches on the Cradle of the Death God

Cryptic's state of the game livestream came out earlier this week for Neverwinter... and it was not quite as groundbreaking as you might have...

Dungeons and Dragons Online plans on bringing a 1979 module to life

This year promises to be a busy one for the developers and playerbase of Dungeons and Dragons Online, at least if this week's producer's...
Cool weapon.

Neverwinter hosts a stream on the state of the game

So, how are things going for Neverwinter? Probably all right? It's hard to be sure without an actual state of the game dispatch from...
Look at it right and these guys could be the villains.

Neverwinter talks about the slice of life stories for masterwork crafters in Lost City of Omu

Whether you're into masterwork crafting in Neverwinter for items or just because you want to get more of a sense of the world beyond...

Neverwinter previews the Lost City of Omu

Lost temples. Cat lords. Trickster gods. Players who venture into Neverwinter's upcoming Lost City of Omu module are in for one wild, weird ride. Cryptic...

Global Chat: Jumping on board the Warframe train

Are you playing Warframe these days? If not, you might be missing out on the growing party of people who seem to be flocking...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 153: It’s a whole New World

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW, DDO, New World, RIFT, Elite, and ArcheAge, with a mailbag question on easing into full-scale MMO sandboxes.

Massively Overthinking: What’s the smallest MMO you’re willing to play?

A comment on Reddit about the current size and viability of Kritika Online got me thinking about MMO playerbases in general lately. We all...

Neverwinter announces Lost City of Omu for February 27; check out the new trailer!

Perfect World has just announced a new update for Dungeons and Dragons MMO Neverwinter - its first big update of the year and another...

The Stream Team: Investigating a graverobber in Dungeons and Dragons Online

There's concern of a graverobber halfling named Moonshadow Lighfoot that might be dabbling in necromancy in DDO, and Massively OP's Justin and MJ are...

Neverwinter launches its Sword of Chult update on consoles

Lousy PC players with their first dibs on all the Neverwinter updates. Who needs a lousy Sword of Chult anyway? Not you, you're happy...

Global Chat: Love the farm, hate the farm

How do you feel about grinding in MMOs? What about farming? These questions can elicit a wide variety of answers, from shrieks of dismay...

The Stream Team: Winter holidays in Neverwinter

With a name like Neverwinter, you have to wonder how the cold-weather holidays are celebrated in-game. Wonder no more! Massively OP's MJ is diving...