dungeons and dragons

See: Dungeons and Dragons Online

The Stream Team: Dungeons and Dragons Online does Halloween

Massively OP's MJ has had quite the ordeal trying to get in to experience DDO's Halloween event, The Night Revels. But she's not going...
Exploding AoE mine-person.

Neverwinter fixes ‘bug’ that allowed players to preview lockboxes, ragestorm ensues

When it comes to lockboxes, enticing players to pay money for a random chance at goods has always been the hook behind this system....

Halloween approaches for Skyforge, Neverwinter, and The Secret World

Halloween arrives in Skyforge, Neverwinter, and The Secret World this week! In Skyforge, the Evil Pumpkin Festival begins tomorrow and lasts until November 11th. Race...

The MOP Up: Neverwinter brings the thunder to consoles (October 23, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
So it justifies twice, at least. Maybe not three times.

Leaderboard: Will Blizzard ever port World of Warcraft to console?

This past summer in a Daily Grind, we were discussing the issue of "dumbing down" in MMORPGs, specifically in World of Warcraft, when a...

Dungeons and Dragons Online looks at the return of the Night Revels with Update 33

Rotten, shambling things are coming back to Dungeons and Dragons Online. With the upcoming Update 33: Return of the Night Revels, DDO will kick...

Here’s how Neverwinter’s level 70 Assault on Svardborg trial will go down

Neverwinter's Sean McCann has a weekend dev update out today all about the level 70 Assault on Svardborg trial, which is due to launch...

Neverwinter introduces sailing and deep sea fishing for its next update

Neverwinter's "largest zone yet" might also be one of its more unusual areas in terms of navigation and interaction. As the name implies, the...

Neverwinter reveals the storyline for the upcoming Sea of Moving Ice

Last week, PWE announced a new update for Neverwinter, Sea of Moving Ice, that ties in with its Storm King's Thunder storyline. Senior Content...

Neverwinter’s Sea of Moving Ice patch releases November 8

PWE has just announced a new update for Neverwinter, part of its Storm King's Thunder rollout. It's called Sea of Moving Ice, and PC...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 84: Rise of Irony

Justin, Eliot, and MJ discuss World of Fishing, WoW, RIFT, ARK, TSW, SWTOR, H&G, FFXIV, Destiny, TERA, DDO, LOTRO, Icarus, and GW2, with mailbag letters on MMO swag and art styles.
We are running out of roads.

LOTRO discusses March of the King update, premium housing

Dungeons and Dragons Online got a hope-filled producer's letter earlier this week -- now it's Lord of the Rings Online's turn. "We are currently hard...

Storm King’s Thunder breaches Neverwinter’s console versions October 18

Console players, do you ever watch updates go live for Neverwinter's PC players and stare wistfully as they rush off to play the new shiny...

Dungeons and Dragons Online plans 2016 patches, Halloween update, and 2017 Ravenloft

Dungeons and Dragons Online producer Rob "Severlin" Ciccolini has a new dev letter out for fans of the venerable D&D MMORPG this week. Ciccolini...
Always close the gates.

Neverwinter is closing down the Gateway client

The Gateway site is not an integral part of Neverwinter, but it's a pretty advantageous portion of the game; it's a web-based service allowing...

Enter to win a Neverwinter 30-day PS4 VIP key and hamster minipets (!) from PWE and Massively OP

Hamsters yeah! To celebrate this week's announcement that there are two million people playing Neverwinter on the PlayStation 4, PWE has granted Massively OP PS4 30-day VIP keys...

Neverwinter claims ’12 million players’ across all platforms

Update: PWE has confirmed to Massively OP by email that the 12 million players refers to registrations. Neverwinter has dinged up to 12 million players,...

The Stream Team: Watch and win a Neverwinter 7-day VIP key

Do you want seven days of VIP access in Neverwinter? Did you miss your chance during the giveaway last month? Then you are in...

Perfect Ten: Comparing Druids across MMORPGs

If I asked you what a Mage is in an MMORPG, what would you say? Some cloth-wearing gal who lugs around a long staff and flings...

Neverwinter to test a PvP solo queue

Neverwinter players frustrated with encountering premade groups in PvP now have an option to fight on a level playing field. Cryptic is preparing to test...