dungeons and dragons
Perfect Ten: Most notable console MMORPGs to date
It used to be that hunting for a console MMORPG was one of the most fruitless endeavors known to gamers. The PC was where...
The Stream Team: Watch Neverwinter and win a mount
Why walk through your Neverwinter adventures when you can ride a howler mount? MassivelyOP's MJ has a handful of PC codes for this rare...
Neverwinter’s Portobello’s Campaign game-within-a-game launches March 31
If you enjoyed last year's Acquisitions, Inc. live D&D event from PAX Prime 2015, then you're going to love Cryptic's latest stunt. It's called Portobello's...
Enter to win a Neverwinter PC howler mount from PWE and Massively OP
Just in time for this week's Neverwinter: The Maze Engine release on PC, PWE has granted Massively OP 40 mount codes to give away to our readers!
The codes...
Neverwinter’s Maze Engine is live today
Neverwinter's Maze Engine expansion is live today for PC players -- you'll be taking on Baphomet’s demonic army and venturing into Castle Never itself,...
Xbox One opens the door to cross-network play
The barrier between console and PC players has lowered a notch this week with an announcement from Microsoft concerning the Xbox One. The company...
Dungeons and Dragons struggles with lag after data center move
If you're one of the Dungeons and Dragons Online players struggling with extreme lag (or concerned over rumors of duping) in the wake of last...
Navigating through Neverwinter’s Maze Engine
After the "big missteps" involved in Elemental Evil, Cryptic is looking to put Neverwinter back on top of its game with this week's Maze...
Dungeons and Dragons Online moves to a new datacenter
Dungeons and Dragons Online has a new hardware home, as Turbine migrated the game's info to a new data center.
The transition took place yesterday,...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO have you revisited lately?
While it might be more exciting to check out a brand-new MMO, I find that it's often easier and requires far less energy to...
Exclusive: Shards Online’s skill system dev diary
Indie sandbox Shards Online is barreling toward its 2016 launch, promising a creator's paradise for those willing to steer their very own servers. Today, Citadel...
The MOP Up: Blade & Soul brings in the Warlock (March 6, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
A look at the loot due in Neverwinter’s Maze Engine expansion
Neverwinter's latest dev blog zeroes in on the most important thing in any MMORPG: the players. Just kidding! It's loot.
The Maze Engine expansion will...
Massively Overthinking: The curse of player-generated MMO content
The influx of new player-generated-content-oriented MMOs might make you think that PGC is on the rise, but if you've been around the genre for...
Perfect Ten: Awesome (and unique) MMORPG classes
Class-based systems are one of those holdovers from tabletop RPGs that work surprisingly well in MMOs. I basically put up with class systems in...
Neverwinter promises June campaign, Icewind Dale stories
Cryptic Studios has just released a positively massive state-of-the-game letter for MMORPG Neverwinter. Executive Producer Rob Overmeyer begins by recapping 2015, noting that last...
The MOP Up: Top raiding guild quits World of Warcraft (February 28, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Neverwinter talks Never Castle’s big baddy
Who's afraid of the big bad demon? In Neverwinter's latest dev blog, Senior Content Designer John Hopler described the big baddy of Never Castle...
Dungeons and Dragons Online starts its 10th anniversary celebration
All hail Dungeons and Dragons Online, which is now being inducted into the MMO 10 Years Club! To celebrate a decade of the game's...
Neverwinter enhances its mount system with stables and insignias
You can always tell when a Neverwinter content release is nigh, as Cryptic will unleash a flurry of dev blogs. The latest? A look...