eve online

Official Site: EVE Online
Studio: CCP Games
Launch Date: May 6, 2003
Genre: Sci-Fi Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid Free-to-Play (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Massively Uplifting: Good deeds don’t take the summer off for Bungie, Niantic, and Trolls in WoW

When summer comes, some lucky folks get to take the season off. Even those who continue on their regular labors often head out on...

EVE Echoes ties down a launch date of August 13, shares answers from another AMA

EVE Echoes has been eyeballing August as its launch month for some time now but never really bothered to nail down a calendar date...

The Daily Grind: Do you share any craft skills with your favorite MMO toon?

I've heard of folks out there who intentionally pick crafts in MMOs because they're already experts at them - like the real-world politician who...
Capital city.

The MOP Up: EVE Online’s Triglavian conflict comes to a head

The big conclusion of EVE Online's multipart Triglavian invasion is coming to a head with Quadrant 3: Zenith, which should hit soon. "Actions have consequences,"...

Global Chat: Your complete LOTRO wedding guide

Is your mind whirling with all of the things to do with Lord of the Rings Online's new Midsummer Festival and the associated wedding...

Desert Oasis: Black Desert’s outlook in the lead-up to Crimson Desert

I've played nothing but the Black Desert season servers in the last month. It's such a fresh breath of air, and it's something I...

EVE Echoes takes a peek at the inside of the Xian-Yue destroyer as beta testing wraps up

It never occurred to me that the internet spaceships of EVE Echoes have interiors manned by a crew of people; I always just envisioned...

The MOP UP: Star Wars Galaxies Legends invites new players to a server far, far away

Thinking about getting into that Star Wars Galaxies that all your friends have been pressuring you to play since 2003? The Legends rogue server...

EVE Online kicks off a series of competitive Proving Ground events

There's barely any reason to instigate a fight in EVE Online since players can simply blow you apart for the crime of logging on...
Sometimes you may even see the spaceships.

EVE Online opens up the first of its time-limited Proving Grounds for 2v2 fights

Players in EVE Online have been able to collect Proving Filaments for the new Proving Grounds fights for a little while now, but it's...

EVE Online’s Zenith update begins the apex to the Triglavian invasion, adds new items and features

Today marks the rising crescendo of the Triglavian invasion in EVE Online. The Zenith update kicks off the beginning of the sandbox's third quadrant...

EVE Online’s new Training Boost Bundle causes consternation in the community

In space, nobody can hear you scream, but in EVE Online you can hear the distinct wail of a community uproar thanks to the...

EVE Online’s CCP Games cancels EVE San Diego and all 2021 events over COVID

April's EVE Fanfest won't be the only EVE Online live event that will succumb to COVID-19, unfortunately: CCP Games announced today that it will...

Dual Universe is finally entering beta in August – with a subscription model

Long-running MMORPG fansite Gamespot (/s) has just posted the not-so-exclusive-now news that sci-fi MMO Dual Universe is expected to hit beta on August 27th. MMO...
SWG Legends Brad McQuaidmemorial, snapped by Bree

The Daily Grind: Have you ever visited a memorial in an MMO?

I was strolling around the PvP areas on Dathomir on SWG Legends the other day and a stumbled into a building that was clearly...
I half-see.

Vague Patch Notes: Trying to salvage MMOs from bad launches

So I'm glad that Crucible got a "pull back to beta" instead of a complete shutdown. I'm surprised but still happy because that's more...

Choose My Adventure: EVE Online wasn’t really all that bad I guess

As I alluded to last week, I’ve been putting in a lot of thought into my time with EVE Online over the course of...

EVE Online plans to add instanced PvP arenas for instant action

PvP in EVE Online is rarely fair, with the outcome of most battles coming down to the number and type of ships on each...

One Shots: MMOs as emotional therapy

Poor Vincent, he just survived Last of Us 2 and probably choked about six hundred puppies in the process. That's bound to mess up...

EVE Online releases a small patch that fixes bugs, tweaks invasions, and improves Project Discovery

A new little patch has been released for EVE Online which isn't doing anything drastic like, say, turning off asset safety. In fact, the...