Official Site: EverQuest II
Studio: SOE, now Daybreak Game Company
Launch Date: November 9, 2004
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
everquest II
EverQuest II’s upcoming expansion has a preview event
You may have heard about EverQuest II's next expansion. While we don't have full details yet, Daybreak has come up with a preview event called Sundered...
Perfect Ten: Ten well-known voice actors behind SWTOR’s characters
When it launched, Star Wars: The Old Republic was one of the biggest video game voice-over projects that BioWare or any studio had ever...
The Stream Team: Hoarding EverQuest II Heritage Quests
In EverQuest II, a number of the lower-level Heritage Quests require a trip into Nektropos Castle. And since no one wants to have to...
EverQuesting: EverQuest franchise expansion announcements erode more trust
Is it just me, or is Daybreak actively trying to make me dislike it? To force me abandon all hope when I enter? Because...
The MOP Up: All news must go!
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
One Shots: Welcome to the party, pal!
"You have to love randomly running across a band when you enter a building in Bree," reader Yrys said in conjunction with this picture...
Massively Overthinking: Underrepresented MMO music genres
Massively OP Kickstarter donor Magnet Brain wants a revolution... in video game music!
"Enough with the orchestral fantasy score... what genre of music would you like...
Classic EverQuest is getting a new expansion with ‘level agnostic’ raids too
EverQuest players who felt a little green with envy at the news that EverQuest II was to be treated to a full-fledged expansion should...
EverQuest II’s 12th expansion will be a legit expansion
Daybreak's Holly "Windstalker" Longdale has just announced that EverQuest II's next major content will be a true expansion.
Our next expansion release is right around...
One Shots: Purple haze
Blocky and stylized though it may be, World of Warcraft's visuals represent impressive work by artists who pull every trick out of their bags to...
Global Chat: Money prison
What kind of prison charges you money to stay there? An MMO prison, obviously!
The Ancient Gaming Noob has a few insightful words to say...
The Stream Team: Questing for Qeynos in EverQuest II
Since EverQuest II's Stormhold TLE server voted no on advancing to the next expansion, MassivelyOP's MJ doesn't feel rushed to level. Oh, whom are...
EverQuest II is throwing a double XP party all weekend
Looking for something to do on Labor Day? If you're not going outside, you could always go to Norrath and enjoy a 100 percent...
Massively Overthinking: Building your dream MMORPG
Massively OP Kickstarter donor xenaphex wants to hear about our dream MMOs. What really makes you tick? What would you build with a million-bajillion...
EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s city festivals
It's that time of the month again -- a glorious time that I look forward to and makes me cackle with glee just a...
The Stream Team: City festival fun in EverQuest II
The first week of every month EverQuest II brings back one of the six city festivals. This month, it's Neriak's turn, and MassivelyOP's MJ...
EverQuest II details the fine distinctions of its upcoming server consolidations
Community teams generally avoid the term "server merge" for the same reason that the Chicago Cubs tend to avoid actually winning: No one wants...
EverQuesting: Can EQII’s paid prisons keep problem players in their place?
Huh. That sentiment pretty well sums up those days when despite thinking you've heard or seen it all, something pops up that takes you...
The Soapbox: The fun and frustration of SWTOR’s housing system
When I was a kid, I had far too many Star Wars action figures, vehicles, and playsets. And when I say kid, I actually...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 27: SmedSoft
Justin and Bree discuss Smed's new company, EQII's prison server, Champions Online, FFXIV, Trove, and Revival's housing, plus mailbag questions on NCsoft and terrible graphics.