Official Site: Fallen Earth
Studio: GamersFirst/Reloaded Games
Launch Date: September 22, 2009
Genre: Post-Apoc Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
fallen earth
Perfect Ten: Times when MMOs brought about world-shattering cataclysms
The notion of an in-game cataclysm is hardly the sole domain of Activision-Blizzard; on the contrary, large-scale apocalypses pop up all the time in...
Perfect Ten: Get out of my dreams and get into my (MMO) car
Cars. They go vroom-vroom, and then they go really fast, and how do we live in a country where you basically need a car...
Little Orbit’s ‘Web 2.5’ platform that lets players sell digital creations is just another blockchain pitch
Last August, Little Orbit, the studio that's known to MMO players as the stewards for APB: Reloaded and Fallen Earth, talked up its blockchain...
Fallen Earth Classic shows it has a pulse with St. Patrick’s Day event
Don't count the rebooted "classic" version of Fallen Earth out quite yet. The post-apocalypse MMORPG hasn't missed an opportunity to celebrate major holiday events...
End-of-Year Eleven: The top MMOs to watch in 2023
You know how some people like to push this narrative that "MMOs are dying?" If that were actually true, then my job to round...
The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v6.0
And that's a wrap on this year in history! While everyone says farewell to 2022, here at TGA we're always looking way back at...
Vague Patch Notes: No, Little Orbit has not solved the MMO blockchain problem
It looks like we have indeed lived long enough to see the heroes become the villains: Little Orbit, which we once lionized for saving...
Vague Patch Notes: A love letter to the people going above and beyond in the MMO genre
Let's just lead off with a very simple statement. Hey there, teams out there working on MMOs and doing more than you need to?...
Perfect Ten: Why we need more post-apocalyptic MMOs
Ever since playing the original Wasteland back in the late '80, I've had a high fascination with post-apocalyptic settings. Yet it's not been the...
Fallen Earth hosts a screenshot contest for chickens and crabs
It's heartening to see the Fallen Earth team continuing to pump life into the Classic community months after the server's re-launch. In fact, this...
Fallen Earth unleashes its St. Patrick’s Day event on players
The St. Patrick's Day event in Fallen Earth is surprisingly sneaky on a whole. Yes, it's obviously meant as a chance for players to celebrate...
Fallen Earth Classic has formally returned to Steam
The wonderfully odd revival of Fallen Earth that started last fall took another step to show that it is here to stay. The post-apocalyptic...
Fallen Earth celebrates a gruesome little Valentine’s Day through February 26
It's been quiet for news about Fallen Earth following the title's unexpected free revival last October, aside from the frankly appalling suggestion of using NFTs...
Perfect Ten: Ten reasons your MMORPG creates a bad first impression
While MMOs may ask us to experience them for the long haul, first impressions still count. And if those impressions aren't favorable right out...
Perfect Ten: Genuinely fun MMO minigames
Few people are without opinions on minigames in MMOs. Some love 'em, some hate 'em, and some just ignore 'em. Some even despise that...
End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO stories of 2021
As the year that was 2021 comes to a close -- raise a glass, give a toast, and perhaps think of a few fond...
The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v5.0
It has been another thrilling year of exploring the relatively unknown or forgotten lands of MMORPG history here in The Game Archaeologist. From projects...
Fallen Earth contemplates using NFTs to fund development
The winner of Massively OP's Biggest MMO Surprise of 2021 has another potential shocker up its sleeve -- and this time it's none too...
End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO surprises of 2021
Why do I love covering MMORPG news year in and year out? If I'm honest about it, I'm usually in this for the surprises....
Massively OP Podcast Episode 349: Make mine Marvel
Justin and Bree discuss Daybreak's Marvel MMO, LOTRO's console future, DCUO's expansion, the EverQuest franchise, RIFT's planned update, DDO, Star Citizen, and Elite Dangerous, with adventures in LOTRO, Fallen Earth, Guild Wars 2, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on New World's rookie mistakes and Lost Ark's genderlocking.