See: TheFallout series on Wikipedia. MMO players will forever be waiting for Fallout Online, we suspect.
E3 2019: Elder Scrolls Online reveals Dragonhold and Scalebreaker, Fallout 76 confirms Wastelanders and Nuclear Winter
Bethesda and ZeniMax are streaming their presentation on all their games from their pre-E3 "BE3" show this evening beginning at 9:30 p.m. EDT. MMORPG...
The ArcheAge consumer lawsuit against Trion Worlds is still inching onward
It seems weird to be writing about Trion Worlds again, but here we are. MMO players will recall that back in 2015, three gamers...
Fallout 76 project lead argues that the repair kits aren’t pay-to-win… as long as you’re not competing with anyone
Before the launch of Fallout 76 the promise was that the game's cash shop would contain only cosmetic options and nothing that actually affected gameplay....
Todd Howard says he expected Fallout 76 to generate ‘very well-deserved criticism’
Oh, Fallout 76. Just when it seemed like maybe we could all finally move on from the game's disastrous launch, Todd Howard's given a...
The MOP Up: China’s getting Fallout Shelter Online, and that’s not fair
For my money (and time), the best Fallout game of the past five years has been Fallout Shelter, a mobile base builder which has...
Fallout 76 teases content coming in the wake of Wild Appalachia
Say what you will about Fallout 76's rocky launch and repeated early bungles, but Bethsoft pumped out so many patches under the Wild Appalachia...
Fallout 76 releases another Wild Appalachia patch and clues for what’s in Vault 51
Some players hoped that Fallout 76 would give some Easter eggs or backstory to some of the people, places, and things from the other...
One Shots: Look – but don’t throw
It's pretty common to be frustrated by MMOs showing you things that you can't ever touch or play. Whether it be fantastic races that...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 220: Everybody gets a dragon!
Justin and Bree discuss City of Heroes, lockboxes, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars 2, RIFT, ZeniMax, and New World, with a mailbag question about epic MMO character creators.
Fallout 76’s Pioneer Scouts and vendors roll out as players debate taxes and the game’s MMO feel
Fallout 76's latest Wild Appalachia update rolled out this week, implementing the Pioneer Scouts faction and quests, new backpacks that boost carry weight, legendary...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 219: The 64-bit generation
Justin and Bree discuss Blizzard financials, City of Heroes, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, WoW Classic, EVE Online, LOTRO, and Guild Wars, with mailbag topics on Blizzard, everythingboxes, genderlocking, and dad jokes.
Meta: A heartfelt farewell to MMO Fallout
Anybody who's been watching MMOs long enough knows MMO Fallout: It's been a staple MMO website for the last decade, perhaps known best for...
The Internet Historian video lays out the sad saga of Fallout 76
As we well know by now, one of the more exciting and promising developments in the MMO space last year ended up being an...
Fallout 76 previews personal vending machines and other features coming next week
It just wouldn't be a Fallout game without rusty antique signs and vending machines, now would it? Bethsoft agrees, and this week it's previewing...
The Daily Grind: What silly little change has ever gotten you all excited to log in to an MMO?
It doesn't always take a massive content drop to make this short gamer giddy and excited. Sometimes it's the silliest of little things, like...
Join Fallout 76’s Pioneer Scouts and get a cool backpack
If you don't feel that venturing out into an irradiated wasteland and going on a months-long camping trip is enough of an outdoors experience...
Today’s Fallout 76 Wild Appalachia Patch 8.5 introduces a camera, repair kits, and new complaints from fans
In its on-going rollout of Wild Appalachia, Fallout 76 brings update 8.5 to players, which features the ProSnap Deluxe Camera, basic and improved repair...
Into the Super-Verse: The death of the City of Heroes community
Kingdom Come is a 1996 DC Comics miniseries by Mark Waid and Alex Ross. The central conceit of the story is that it takes...
Black Desert says it’s finished its Shadow Arena-related ‘false bans’ investigation
Since March, we've been covering a hacking wave and the ensuing fallout in Black Desert, as cheaters swarmed the now-defunct Shadow Arena battle royale...
Fallout 76 previews the Burrows and the new in-game camera
It's taken a little while, but Fallout 76 is getting that staple of video games, the sewer level. Yes, that's the core of what's...