
Guild Wars 2’s latest patch includes bugs and a nasty exploit

This week's Guild Wars 2 patch was delayed a week, but perhaps it needed yet another week still. Players on the official forums and...

Crowfall hires former CCP exec as new community manager

Crowfall continues to add experienced industry veterans to its team, as ArtCraft announced today that it has hired Valerie Massey to be the new...

Landmark is abolishing claim upkeep

Landmark landowners who are weary of mining copper to keep their claims will soon earn a reprieve. While today's hotfix disables the ability to...

The Daily Grind: Were you playing MMOs 16 years ago?

This week, EverQuest is celebrating its 16th anniversary. That's right: It was all the way back on March 16th, 1999, that the seminal title...

Jukebox Heroes: EverQuest Online Adventures

From birth until its ignoble death, EverQuest Online Adventures always lived in the shadow of the EverQuest franchise's wing. As a chunky-looking subscription game on...
Top gear indeed.

Allods Online is shutting down in China

So long, Allods Online; you will be remembered. The Russian-made fantasy MMO is shutting down... in China. The English servers are still just fine....

Pathfinder Online adding leadership ranks and vaults with version 6

Next week, Pathfinder Online will continue its alpha rollout with the early enrollment version 6 patch. The team posted a features overview yesterday to...

Guild Wars 2’s Desert Borderlands will dramatically improve WvW

If you're excited about Guild Wars 2's upcoming Desert Borderlands map that will be replacing the three old WvW borderlands maps currently in the...

Cryptic layoffs alone totaled 18 people

Massively OP has been contacted by a Cryptic employee -- who wishes to remain anonymous and whose identity we have confirmed -- about the Perfect...

Crowfall eyes artifacts and relics as a new stretch goal

With eight days left in its Kickstarter campaign, Crowfall is pushing hard for last-minute stretch goal milestones. In addition to mounts and caravans if...
That's not a doll, guy.

Final Fantasy XI will hold a press conference on the future, but what will it say?

Final Fantasy XI feels a bit neglected with all of the hype surrounding Final Fantasy XIV's expansion, doesn't it? That's probably part of the...

Landmark will have just one more character wipe

Ever since players learned Landmark will definitely have another character wipe, we've all been very eager to know all the details. Those details are now in:...

The Daily Grind: Does Guild Wars 2 need mounts?

Let me stop you right there: Yes, I know that Guild Wars 2 kinda has mounts. It has a ridable broom and a flying...

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...

The Stream Team: An EverQuest anniversary with gifts for you!

EverQuest celebrates another year today, which means it's time for a birthday party. And do you think MassivelyOP's MJ would miss a party? Not...
This dude, but in motion.

Crowfall details mount mechanics as it clears $1.2 million

There's no doubt at this point that Crowfall will be funded, but there is some question about how much extra stuff will be in...

Guild Wars 2 patches in first-person view and map exploration changes

After a one-week delay, Guild Wars 2 has delivered a much-anticipated first-person view to the waiting eyes of players. Today's patch is a hodge-podge of...
Shroud of the Avatar

Shroud of the Avatar tops $6 million in crowdfunding

Shroud of the Avatar has amassed over $6 million in crowdfunding along with over 150,000 backers according to the tracker widget on the fantasy...

Wisdom of Nym: The end of Final Fantasy XIV’s 2.X cycle

The last part of Final Fantasy XIV's pre-expansion storyline is going live on March 31st. That's about two weeks away. And while you'll be...
Oh, there's going to be so much chopping.

Investment firm sees a dark future for WildStar, bright hopes for Guild Wars 2

Korean investment firm KDB Daewoo Securities is not predicting a rosy future for WildStar, although it still is recommending NCsoft as a "buy" prospect....