
Skyforge preps third beta test for next week

The beta events for Skyforge are flying fast and furious now, with the third test scheduled for next week. Allods Team announced today that...
How did everything go so predictably wrong?

World of Warcraft adds retro ‘timewalking’ dungeons

There's no reason for you to go back to older dungeons in World of Warcraft unless you particularly like the look of something that...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Exclusive Guild Wars 2 Maguuma Hylek interview

I had the pleasure of chatting with Scott McGough, a Guild Wars 2 narrative designer who is currently working hard on Heart of Thorns content, about...

Trion is upping RIFT’s daily and weekly quest rewards in 3.2

Trion has posted a note on RIFT's official forums confirming that it will be upping the rewards for daily and weekly quests in tomorrow's...

Gloria Victis upgrades to Unity 5 engine

Forget what you think you know of Gloria Victis' looks, as the devs announced that they've switched up the game engine to Unity 5....

The Stream Team: Higher-level Heritage questing in EQII

For all the many times MassivelOP's MJ has done Heritage Quests in EverQuest II on various alts, it somehow escaped her that the increases...

Forsaken World is getting a mobile edition

Could we be on the verge of an MMO mobile gaming revolution? Several mobile versions of Asian MMOs are in the making, including Aion...

Crowfall expounds on the service of Thralls

Have you ever wanted to be a grim reaper? In Crowfall, you can. And for once it is a mutually beneficial proposition! A new...
Stunning absolutely no one who's been following along, it's like people don't want MMOs to be jobs any longer.

Black Desert adjusts for ‘casual lite’ Korean market

Every game changes during testing, but Black Desert seems to have changed even more significantly compared to its original vision from the fan standpoint. One...

El Somni Quas draws upon classic Ultima Online for an old-school MMO experience

It's interesting to see how players who have grown up under the influence of certain MMOs are now making their own games drawing from...
We had a bet running that it would take longer.

Guild Wars 2’s Stronghold public beta is today; here’s a guide

You can play Guild Wars 2's upcoming expansion PvP mode right now! The Stronghold public beta is today! And then it closes up shop...
We'll defend against whoever in the world we're at war with. Probably ourselves.

World of Warcraft 6.2 adds new dungeon difficulty, zone

If you thought the first major patch of Warlords of Draenor seemed a bit thin on content, you'll be happier with World of Warcraft's...

BlizzCon tickets go on sale this week

For many gamers, the hardest ticket to get this year is to November's BlizzCon 2015, as you have to be fast and a little...

Take part in a flying raid with Icarus Online

Even if they share common lineage, MMOs must have a distinctive angle or face death by mediocrity. For the upcoming Icarus Online, that hook...

Sword and Bored: Encumbrance

Mo discovers that cognitive dissonance is required to make sense of MMO encumbrance systems.
Prepare to be prepared!

How to get into Path of Exile’s Awakening beta

So you want to test the next big update for Path of Exile? That's understandable; it's a big update that promises a whole lot...
Running toward the blue sky.

Wisdom of Nym: What we now know about Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

I honestly hadn't expected to learn quite this much about Heavensward this soon. I don't know why I hadn't expected this, to be fair;...
Hooray, the hype train is finally going to die, then?

Black Desert demos its new Valkyrie class

Eager to take a look at the newest class being added to Black Desert? The fine folks at Steparu have posted a trailer demonstrating...

Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade shows off its ork leader

Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade has revealed the leader of the game's Orks, to the extent that the Orks can really have a leader, and...
Syrio Forel

The Daily Grind: Would you play a Game of Thrones MMO?

Did you watch Game of Thrones last night? I didn't. I'll get around to it eventually, though, I'm sure. How about a Game of...