
EverQuest II applies fixes and adjustments, PlanetSide 2 improves PC performance via multi-threading

What are EverQuest II and PlanetSide 2 doing together on one news post? Besides both being Daybreak Games titles, they both kicked out some...

Runes of Magic’s Fire Festival lights up the night

The dead middle of winter is never a bad time for a hearty bonfire -- or a fire festival. To keep January lively, Runes...

Global Chat: Revisiting all of SOE’s game history

I'm always a sucker for a good timeline, which is why I perked up at seeing Wilhelm at Ancient Gaming Noob trace out the...

Shadow Arena has replaced its 40-person battle royale mode with a 3v3 arena

Earlier this month, our own PvP columnist Sam Kash delivered a Fight or Kite column on Shadow Arena, the battle royale standalone title spun...
Get back.

WoW Factor: The Shadowlands gameplay loop problem

A friend and I were discussing World of Warcraft the other night, which is something we do fairly often. This is especially relevant for me...

Path of Exile releases the full patch notes, passive tree, and item filter information for Echoes of the Atlas

Once again, it's all about preparing Path of Exile players for that new meta. With the Echoes of the Atlas expansion nearly arriving to...

Lord of the Rings Online pulls back from controversial patch changes

Usually when there is some sort of controversial change to Lord of the Rings Online, you can find some fiercely loyal players defending Standing...

Old School RuneScape refines Soul Wars and releases Ironman versions of God Wars dungeon generals

This week in Old School RuneScape is all about Soul Wars and God Wars. More specifically, it's about making the Soul Wars content more...

The Old Moon Grand Prix horse race begins in Black Desert PC

There's another event happening in Black Desert on PC, which sounds otherwise humdrum considering every update has some event of some sort. However, this...

The Stream Team: Exploring the Lycan Conclave in AdventureQuest 3D

Massively OP's MJ conquered the werewolves' Coliseum in AQ3D, so now she has won the privilege of leaving the fighting pit and wandering about...
allors en danse

Blade & Soul kicks off its anniversary event with today’s patch

It's time to celebrate five years of Blade & Soul today with the latest patch, and you know what that means: events. The events kicking off...

Dungeons and Dragons Online heralds a new winter festival

Just because you tossed out the Christmas tree and took down all of the festive decorations doesn't mean you have to settle in for...
Oh snaps.

World of Warcraft kicks off the Beasts of Prodigum event in Torghast

There's already a fair amount of randomness in Torghast runs in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, but the new Beasts of Prodigum event adds a whole...
A journey into complexity.

Perfect Ten: The 10 tiers of MMO system complexity

MMOs can be complicated things, as I am pretty sure we have discussed on multiple occasions now. There are no known means to prevent...

LOTRO community rises up in anger over new legendary items money grab

The test server for Lord of the Rings Online's next patch opened up this week to run Update 28.3 through the paces -- but...
Sort of?

The Daily Grind: What do you remember differently about older MMOs from what was true?

Let me tell you, going back to an old MMO after a very long time away can be a shock to your memories. I...

The Stream Team: Returning to EverQuest II’s Reign of Shadows

With all the Frostfell fun to be had, Massively OP's MJ hasn't been back to EQII's Reign of Shadows expansion in a while. It...

Final Fantasy XI adds new Odyssey bosses for weapon upgrades

Another version update has arrived to Final Fantasy XI, and it brings with it a new chance to upgrade your weapons! Yes, you can make...
Theoretically there's a non-jerk version of this out there, but...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 304: League of MMORPGs

Justin and Bree discuss Riot's new MMO, RuneScape, Neverwinter, Crowfall, and Path of Exile, with adventures in Warhammer Online, World of Warcraft, Torchlight II, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on losing hype and legal complexity in MMOs.

Pirate101 players hope to save the game by flooding its servers starting January 24

While Pirate101 isn't being targeted for shutdown, it is effectively in maintenance mode, which probably makes some long-time fans of the MMO a bit...