

Guild Season 7 kicks off in Albion Online with new challenges and mount skin seasonal rewards

Today marks the moment in Albion Online where guilds can duke it out for bragging rights, glory, and very likely a whole bunch of...
Ah, no.

LOTRO Legendarium: A timeline of Lord of the Rings Online from 1994 to 2019

When I wrapped up writing my previous LOTRO column on the game's first year of live operation, I felt that I had left this...

NCsoft Q2 2019: Guild Wars 2 may be eyeing a mobile version (again)

Those with long memories might recall that way back in 2010 prior to Guild Wars 2's launch, ArenaNet made a (small) bit of noise...

LOTRO announces Stout Axe Dwarves, DDO reveals Alchemist class and permadeath server

Standing Stone Games showed up to Indy's GenCon this week -- and dropped some huge announcements for both Lord of the Rings Online and...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offers the best farming and gardening experience?

Not gonna lie, I really like farming in MMOs. No, not the grindy kind of farming, just the actual process of farming crops on...

Echo of Soul takes a trip to the beach, sells for under a buck

Who needs to go home and treat games like work when it's the middle of the summer? Let's all take a cue from Echo...

RuneScape Q&A covers banking, farming, and more as Jagex teases August updates

Often, Q&A sessions with the devs have a sort of focus, be it a new expansion release or a gameplay style or some other...

Black Desert Mobile Korea adds a new succession class for the Berserker

So the opening part of the video for the new class added to Black Desert Mobile sees the character whipping an enemy into the...

Neverwinter is revamping pretty much everything about newbie play in Uprising

Perfect World has now discussed multiple facets of Neverwinter's upcoming Uprising module: the appearance system, the new raid, the loot, the Gith, the lore,...
Very mature.

WoW Classic’s next global stress test is dated for August 8 and 9

Ever since WoW Classic's closed beta ended a tad early back in July, would-be Vanilla players have been anxious to get back in there....
Hey, it's okay.

Final Fantasy XI fires up a welcome back campaign for its summer celebrations

If it's been a while since you last stepped into Final Fantasy XI's Vana'diel, the developers would certainly like you to stop back in....
Surprised? Really?

WoW Factor: Content rollouts and relevance in WoW Classic and live

Part of me was tempted to write this column chiefly about the rather baffling idea that Blizzard was surprised by the number of people...

Camelot Unchained’s 57th newsletter discusses how features are kept in and cut from MMOs

Camelot Unchained's 57th newsletter dropped this week, providing a run-down of what City State Entertainment has been up to the last month for those...

Portal Knights is transforming into a full-fledged MMORPG as the original patches on PC and the Switch

Like a blocky caterpillar spinning a chrysalis around it, Portal Knights is preparing to transform itself from a mere co-op sandbox to something far...

The Daily Grind: What should Daybreak do with the EverQuest IP?

Recently, EverQuest Lead Producer Holly Longdale spoke to the rumors and general silence revolving about the continuation of the franchise, saying that Daybreak is...

Massively Overthinking: Thoughts and predictions on Guild Wars 2’s next big thing

Last week, Guild Wars 2 put an end to the whining about info droughts by promising a big reveal of living story season 5...

Dark Age of Camelot celebrates summer, adds item search tool

It's not a cruel summer for Dark Age of Camelot -- but it is a competitive one. Those looking for a relaxing holiday experience...
My God, it's full of nonsense.

Vague Patch Notes: Just stop pre-ordering video games

Look, you've probably heard this before, but it bears repeating now: Don't pre-order that game. Pre-ordering games is a bad idea. And this week,...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: Why people create alts in MMOs

I have alts in Final Fantasy XIV. This is absurd for two reasons. First, the statement makes it clear that I have alternate characters...

Neverwinter’s Uprising raid is ‘some of the most challenging’ ever added to the game

If you're a raider, Neverwinter's upcoming Tower of the Mad Mage is going to be your jam. It's the 10-man trial launching with Uprising...