
See: Final Fantasy XIV

One Shots: Riding the dino to the prom

You think you were all decked out in finery and had a spiffy ride the last time you went to a formal dance? You...

Final Fantasy XIV shows off a trailer for patch 5.5, Death Unto Dawn

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV is not far off at this point, arriving on April 13th, and players can now feast their...

Here’s how Final Fantasy XIV players will access the game’s PlayStation 5 beta

When the next major patch for Final Fantasy XIV arrives on April 13th, the open beta for the PlayStation 5 version starts as well. If...
Fingerblasting, I guess.

Final Fantasy XIV updates the digital fan festival and patch 5.5 sites

Patch 5.5 is just around the corner for Final Fantasy XIV, and that means more updates to the special preview site for the patch. The...
Never seen a bluer sky.

Wisdom of Nym: The experimental nature of Final Fantasy XIV’s Blue Mage

One of my half-serious predictions during the initial batch of predictions for Final Fantasy XIV's big reveal showcase was that we'd learn about a...

One Shots: Dearly beloved

If you gotta get married in an MMORPG and don't want to spare any expense, Final Fantasy XIV has the most luxurious and extravagant...

Massively Overthinking: What are your MMO character customization dealbreakers?

Back in February, when BlizzConline was at its height, part of the World of Warcraft community lost its mind over the revelation that Blizzard...

Final Fantasy XIV updates its Death Unto Dawn preview site with images and lore teasers

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV is approaching quickly on April 13th, and players already have some new things to chew on from the...
Different island!

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida talks about the importance of consoles and story fatigue in new interview

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is bringing an end to the story of Hydaelyn and Zodiark, the central narrative that's run through the game from...
We have Clive at home.

Wisdom of Nym: The Final Fantasy XIV Ascians we know

Look, sometimes you just want to do some lore stuff for Final Fantasy XIV, and this is one of those times. Especially since... well,...

Composer Alex Moukala re-imagines the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker trailer music as a boss track

If you're not already following composer Alex Moukala on YouTube, you may still remember him from when he added a funky bass line to...

Battle Bards Episode 189: Spooky and Magical 3

Is that a chill creeping down your spine? Did your ears just perk up at the hint of fae music in the trees? Is...

One Shots: Past your curfew

One lesser-known fact about the life of adventurers is that they all have to submit to a daily curfew. By the time the sun's...

Final Fantasy XIV schedules its next producer letter for April 2

Final Fantasy XIV fans do not have some of the usual mysteries to answer about patch 5.5 at this point. It's a well-known fact...
You know what Aymeric and Raubahn look like. Fill them in mentally.

Final Fantasy XIV posts the first iteration of the special site for patch 5.5, Death Unto Dawn

The next major patch for Final Fantasy XIV arrives in just under a month, and that means it's high time for players to scope out...
We have Clive at home.

Wisdom of Nym: Thoughts on Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker (given what we know so far)

At the time you read this, it'll be just about two months until we know more about what's coming with Final Fantasy XIV's fourth...

One Shots: Impossible sky architecture

Lethia seems to be waging a very successful campaign to convince us all that Allods Online has it going on in the eye candy...

Final Fantasy XIV brings around another iteration of the Moogle Treasure Trove

Need a little extra incentive to take on old content in Final Fantasy XIV? You'll get exactly that with the newest incarnation of the game's...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s forced grouping serves an important purpose

It's not exactly a secret, but just in case you didn't know this, Final Fantasy XIV has dungeons that are absolutely necessary to progress...
These are your final days.

Final Fantasy XIV bans over 5,000 accounts for RMT activity

Trading real money for gil in Final Fantasy XIV is expressly forbidden. Players shouldn't do that if they want to keep their accounts. Apparently more...