free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

The Daily Grind: Do you still get excited about upcoming MMORPGs?

It was the late aughts. My husband and I had scraped together money to fly to London for a meet-up with our Europe-based guildies....

The Stream Team: WoW! A stream

WoW! is it really happening? Is Massively OP's MJ really going to stream The Game That Shall Not Be Mentioned? Do you doubt us?...

Massively Uplifting: Bethesda’s gift to gaming granny, friendships forged in EverQuest and Guild Wars 2

It is no joke: There is plenty that's good going on in the gaming world, and we want to share that with you. You...

AQ3D’s 8bit NES Kickstarter is not a joke – it’s ‘the hottest game from 1985… created in 2019!’

Gonna be honest, when MJ linked this Kickstarter to me, I actually went straight to the April Fools' Day roundup and added it. I...

The MOP Up: Warframe descends to Deck 12 on consoles

Warframe's Deck 12 has unlocked for console players -- and there are deep, dark secrets to be uncovered by descending to it. "Now is the...
Don't worry, something will happen any day now.

Global Chat: Looking back at 20 years of EverQuest

EverQuest's 20th anniversary isn't going unnoticed and unobserved in the gaming community this month. In fact, several MMO bloggers have raised a glass to...

One Shots: CatDog, CatDog

The second I saw Hirku's picture of his Warframe pet, the lyrics of Nickelodeon's CatDog came to mind: One fine day with a woof...

Battle Bards Episode 141: Riders of Icarus

The Battle Bards take to the sky to investigate the somewhat obscure Riders of Icarus and see if the lofty visuals can be matched...

Crypic devs totally spoil Neverwinter’s newest endgame dungeon

Neverwinter's newest expansion isn't even out, but Cryptic is totally fine spoiling the ending of the campaign for you. You know, if you're the...

Valve pledges to fix Artifact’s ‘deep-rooted issues’ in attempt to salvage the game

Things haven't been going particularly great for Artifact. Valve's digital card game, which launched in November of last year, has been rapidly hemorrhaging players...

The Game Archaeologist: The Chronicles of Spellborn

Hey! Hey you! Yeah, you the I'm-so-bored-with-all-of-these-MMOs gamer! You've been grousing about for years how MMOs never take risks, never innovate, and are merely...

The Stream Team: Commemorating another RuneScape anniversary milestone

RuneScape is one of those games that has many anniversary dates. Today marks the 15th anniversary of its official launch as RuneScape 2 (as...

Aion’s Ereshkigal’s Wrath update brings new raid, dungeon, and skills

The latest Aion update, Ereshkigal's Wrath, is now live, and with it comes the opening of a brand-new raid, a new dungeon, a new...

Lord of the Rings Online buffs mob health and balances crafted gear

Over in Lord of the Rings Online this week, Sauron gave a pep talk to his forces that increased their morale. It was a...

Massively Overthinking: Thoughts on the holy trinity in MMOs

One of MOP's bright new columnists, Tyler Edwards, blogs over at Superior Realities, and he recently brought to my attention his pieces on the...

The Stream Team: Flirting with necromancy in AdventureQuest 3D

With the necromancer class now out and available for everyone in AQ3D, and the revamp of Doomwood adding in that suave undead necromancer, it's...

Vindictus introduces a whole different kind of portal gun on April 30

Hero number 14 is coming to Vindictus in just over a month, and her name is Eira, the Void Witch. To celebrate, Nexon is...

April Fools’ Day 2019 has begun early in Guild Wars 2, Champions Online, and more

Happy April Fools' Day! Oh, wait, that's not how it works? And it's not actually April Fools' Day yet? Well, tell that to Gaijin...

Warframe of Mind: Celebrating six years of Space Ninja history

Happy birthday! Warframe commemorated its sixth anniversary this week (or last week, depending on which date you go by), and that means it's time...

Neverwinter announces an April 23 release date for Undermountain on PC

Week by week, Neverwinter has been kicking out dev blogs touching on the various things players can expect in the Undermountain expansion, so a...