
This tag lists out all of our posts that have galleries nested within them. Check out our gallery page too.

New World previews its crafting system and player housing decoration

Yesterday's New World dev blog was all about character development and progression, and it was a bit of a let down for folks who...
Sky sky sky

No Man’s Sky impements full PC and console crossplay starting tomorrow

When Hello Games announces new stuff for No Man's Sky, two things are usually true: They're huge, and they're soon. And today's announcement from...
Destined even further.

Destiny 2 announces three expansions, including Beyond Light, and launches Season of Arrivals

Bungie ran a whopper of a Destiny 2 reveal stream today, announcing literally all the things. OK, just four or so of the things,...

Amazon’s New World character progression will seem comfortably familiar to MMO fans

Listen up, all you bad boys and rude girls: Amazon Games' New World is seriously still slated for launch on August 25th, and if...

Enter to win an ArcheAge Unchained Garden of the Gods Archeum pack courtesy of Gamigo and MOP

It's unlikely that anybody reading Massively OP is unaware that ArcheAge's Garden of the Gods update has been controversial, thanks to Gamigo’s belatedly announced decision to...

One Shots: Do you have a few moments to talk about Jediism?

Here's a player housing pro-tip that is useful when striking up a settlement in a risky location: Make a door. A big door. A...

Black Desert staff help throw a wedding for stuck-at-home players

Turns out Guild Wars 2 wasn't the only MMORPG to host an honest to goodness player wedding this week. Kakao Games let us know...

Ship of Heroes preps June test run with new animations and better performance

It's June, folks, and you know what that means: Ship of Heroes' promised next test. "Today is June 1st and we said we are targeting...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends shows off Bespin, paves the way for Empire Day 2020

Things are still being updated in the rogue server known as Star Wars Galaxies Legends in 2020, and the latest community transmission newsletter has...

One Shots: Posing is half the battle

It's not just enough to tote around a legendary weapon in your MMO -- you're going to need to learn that posing is half...
Three years of this.

OrbusVR plans summer events, treasure hunting, and economy tweaks for the rest of 2020

With OrbusVR's recent mini story pack behind it, the devs are moving on to the content coming for the rest of 2020, starting with...

Massively Overthinking: Are MMO developers stuck in the past?

Earlier this month - so what feels like at least a few years ago - the MMO community amused itself jousting over comments from...

Voxelbox Creativerse adds a new store item to make blueprint building easier

It's time once again to peek in on an MMO that has been out of the regular news cycle for a little while. This...
Team play.

Co-op roguelike Minecraft Dungeons is live today on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and the Switch

Don't tell my kids, but I'm getting them Minecraft Dungeons this week. I mean, really I'm getting myself Minecraft Dungeons this week, but they're...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s No Quarter

After March’s relatively lightweight release, Steel and Fire, a lot of Guild Wars 2 players were expecting something big from this month’s release, entitled...

One Shot: Wedding bells

The other day I showed my kids our wedding video, and while we watched it I was reminded how much sheer work it took...

So ArcheAge Unchained’s Garden of the Gods is not free, and ArcheAge players are not happy

Do you folks remember last August, when Gamigo formally announced ArcheAge Unchained, promising a new monetization model for a buy-to-play version of the sandbox,...

Massively Overthinking: The more things change in MMOs, the more they stay the same

A while back, in the wake of our Desert Oasis column on Black Desert's guild system, Carlo and I were discussing guild wars -...

Wurm Online shows off its graphical overhaul work

Things in Wurm Online are getting a whole lot prettier soon. The devs have posted a variety of looks at the sandbox's graphical overhaul....
Oh no.

Amazon Games’ team shooter Crucible is supposed to go live this afternoon

We've teased Amazon Games Studio plenty for canceling games and postponing them and changing them into something else, but today, it's finally doing something...