Spycursion is an indie cyberespionage sandbox MMO hitting Kickstarter this month
So here's a new MMO those of you into espionage and spooks and hackers might like: It's a "continuously evolving" MMORPG sandbox called Spycursion,...
The Daily Grind: Have any of your MMO accounts ever been hacked?
For all I know, all of my authenticators are just placebos; I've never actually had an account get hacked. There are accounts I've lost...
Atlas hackers strike again with the return of the dreaded air whale
It's raining whales! What the heck, it's now raining whales?! Hoist sails! That's the ancient sea shanty players of Atlas were learning to sing when...
Town of Salem suffers database breach, compromising user data
The developers of indie deceit-and-deduction game Town of Salem received an unwelcome surprise upon returning from their holiday vacations, when they were informed that...
This is the cheeky player program that trivializes Fallout 76’s nuke code decryption
Hey, did you think all of Fallout 76's problems would magically disappear once it launched? Welp, you were wrong. As Bethsoft plays whack-a-mole with...
Another e-thug responsible for DDOSing SOE years back is brought to justice
Hey, remember a few years ago when there was a new Lizard Squad article like every month, thanks to the fact that the e-thug...
Fallout 76 still has lots of fun hacks that are being tracked down
What do you get when you combine a company legendary for its ability to release buggy or unpolished games and an online game with...
Rockstar Games levels lawsuit against Australian Grand Theft Auto V cheat creators
It's certainly not uncommon these days to hear of game studios taking action against the authors of hacks and cheats for their games, but...
PSA: No, Gina Bruno is not leaving Elder Scrolls Online or Bethsoft
Last night, Elder Scrolls Online Community Manager Gina Bruno's Twitter account began blurting out a series of awful tweets that usually means only one...
Mortal Online warns of data breach, advises users to change passwords
If you've been playing Mortal Online this spring or summer, you should probably be aware that a troubling data breach that happened last month...
Players rage over the bots and hacks still allegedly plaguing Black Desert
Frustration and rage is bubbling over on the Black Desert forums, where players are venting about the ongoing issues of botting and hacks -...
TERA races to shore up chat vulnerability
That nasty little loophole in TERA's chat that hackers were exploiting was patched up over the weekend. En Masse deployed a hotfix on the...
Heroes and Generals orders a tactical strike on cheaters
The World War II MMO Heroes and Generals is fighting more than just the Nazis this week. The team announced that it was performing...
Boob-addled MMORTS Evony was hacked, compromising up to 33M accounts
We're all sure you never played Evony, the bland, top-down MMORTS once notorious for its bizarrely sexualized ads ("Start your journey now, my lord!"...
Blizzard seeks $8.5M from cheat software company Bossland
It's all fun and games... until you start selling software to help players cheat, then it's all lawsuits and court dates.
Blizzard is asking the...
Riot Games wins $10M in a lawsuit against League of Legend cheating software
At least today, cheating does not prosper, particularly for those who attempted to circumvent the rules in League of Legends.
A court awarded $10 million...
Blizzard is changing Battle.net accounts in Korea to combat Overwatch cheating
The business model for Overwatch in Korea is very different than it is here in the USA, which means that there will be at...
Blizzard cracks down on Overwatch aimbot cheaters
OK, cheaters, listen up. You're jerks, you're ruining the game for everyone, you're wasting developer time, which means you're wasting everyone's money, you're not...
Guild Wars 2’s Mike O’Brien on the Gaile Gray hack
Earlier today, Redditors began circulating a forum thread filled with pictures of a character named Gaile Gray running around classic Guild Wars spouting nonsense (and worse)....
World of Warcraft thieves are using a new chat script to scam players out of gold
World of Warcraft players beware: There's a new scam going on that requires a little bit of gullibility and action on the part of the...