

The Daily Grind: Are there MMO characters you don’t want to play but wouldn’t delete?

My primary servers on World of Warcraft are easy to spot, because they both have a dozen characters on them. Then there are a...
Like this deli. Not only this deli.

WRUP: The definitive tier list for the old men hanging out at the corner deli edition

Garbage Tier: Jim-Bob None of Jim-Bob's rants go anywhere, his grandchild pictures are severely lacking, his accent is grating, and worst of all is that...

Perfect Ten: The top 10 sexiest monsters of Monster Hunter World

I remember my first time. Unlike many hunters, I didn't stalk her. In fact, she bumped into me. I was just strolling down the...
when yo crush read yo note that say lemme smash

Massively OP Podcast Episode 157: Lunar Valentines

Justin and Bree discuss Valentine's Day and Lunar New Year in MMOs, Guild Wars 2's latest patch, Camelot Unchained's beta date, WoW's Battle for Azeroth alpha, Closers' launch, Black Desert's unification, and Final Fantasy XIV's population, with mailbag questions on multiple accounts (spoilers: Bree talks about SWG for like three hours) and variety in period MMOs.

WRUP: What your favorite type of soda says about you edition

Cola: Who knows or cares. Sprite/Sierra Mist/7-UP: You want to have soda, but when someone gives you a cola of some sort you're all like,...
Stabby stabby

Massively OP Podcast Episode 156: Downfalls and uprisings

Justin and Bree discuss MMO and MOBA sunsets, WoW's Battle for Azeroth, Alganon, DDO, Star Citizen, and Blade & Soul, plus a bit about Ultima Online and LOTRO, with mailbag questions on Guild Wars 2's classes and the state of MMO communities.
It never happened.

WRUP: The moment never comes edition

Congratulations, champion. You've won. Now leave. What's that? Of course you don't want to leave. You're waiting for the moment to come. You're waiting to...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 155: Pirates, progression, and patches

Justin and Bree discuss Age of Conan, FFXIV, SWTOR, Closers, EVE Online, Sea of Thieves, WoW, and Guild Wars 2, with mailbag questions on non-combat MMO options and playing MMOs with a newborn.
go chug

WRUP: Introducing the Quintorail edition

Let me ask you something, folks. How often have you tried to take a train in this country only to find that it was...
That is definitely a thing.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 154: A Prime experiment

Justin and Bree discuss Trion's big RIFT and Devilian news, Camelot Unchained's $7.5M investment, Darkfall New Dawn's launch, and layoffs for Albion and Elyria, with a mailbag question on what went wrong with WildStar.
The HORSE is a noble animal.

WRUP: This sentence is about horses edition

This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about horses. This sentence is about...
Something something rightfully forgotten film revival, etc.

Town State Leisure: Camelot Unchained responds to absurd scraper article as only CSE can

If by chance you've ever run a blog about literally anything, you surely know about scrapers - those jerks who use scripts to steal...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 153: It’s a whole New World

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, WoW, DDO, New World, RIFT, Elite, and ArcheAge, with a mailbag question on easing into full-scale MMO sandboxes.
Are we actually the police without remembering it?

WRUP: It’s time to figure out if we’re wanted by the police and why edition

All right, everyone, settle down, you're probably wondering why I called this meeting. Let me get right down to it: Last weekend was a...
I suppose this is a problem I'm happy to complain about.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 152: Allied races and superhero sprints

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, ARK, Portal Knights, World of Warcraft, Champions Online, Fractured, Ship of Heroes, Black Desert, Elder Scrolls Online, and Life is Feudal, with mailbag questions on teaching MMO teamwork to kids and lockboxes vs. advertising.

WRUP: Introducing our cast of characters for 2018 edition

As always, a new year means a new cast of characters, because I hate resolving plotlines and we're not going to be having a...
Throw wide the gates to let us pass once more.

Food and video games, two great tastes together at last!

If you thought that the World of Warcraft official cookbook was a stupid idea, then you may not be the target audience for the...
Weird dog.

Final Fantasy XI starts off 2018 with dog enemies and associated controversy

The first update for Final Fantasy XI is scheduled for later this month, and it's hitting the ground running with controversy. See, it's the...

Massively OP’s Weirdest MMORPG Stories of 2017: A big bag of what?

Today we're finishing off our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2017! And the weirdest MMORPG story of 2017 on MOP was... An EVE...
Oh, Mr. Ross, always a pleasure.

Massively OP’s Weirdest MMORPG Stories of 2017: Happy little trees

Today we're continuing our countdown of Massively OP's weirdest MMORPG stories of 2017! Coming in at #2 on our list is... SMITE honors 'painting god' Bob...