
There is no 'enough.'

Gloria Victis outlines animation, character, rep, and settlement plans for November

This week's Gloria Victis patch tweaks crafting material merchants, server performance, combat, and the interface, but the more intriguing announcement from Black Eye Games...

The Exiled has a huge revamp in store for its final alpha next month

The Exiled (the MMO-MOBA hybrid formerly known as Das Tal) is fast approaching its final alpha test, now expected to run for most of...

EVE Vegas 2016: EVE Online is finally getting a real tutorial

One of EVE Online's developers once described the new player experience with the line "Welcome to EVE, here's a Rubik's cube, go f**k yourself," and he...

EVE Vegas 2016: Ascension expansion detailed, new trailer released

While the main event of the EVE Online social calendar is unmistakably the annual EVE Fanfest convention in Iceland, smaller gatherings are held throughout the...

Dogma: Eternal Night on project funding and making NPCs come alive through dialogue

Dogma: Eternal Night has a new dev blog out this week on something a lot of people never notice because they're too busy clicking...

‘MMO-lite’ Tuebor makes plans to move from Steam early access to launch

"Tuebor is a 3rd person, cross-genre, competitive, multiplayer, action game set in a post apocalyptic, dystopian future." So reads the Kickstarter for Strength in...

The MOP Up: Neverwinter brings the thunder to consoles (October 23, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Devil’s Night

We had a tremendous response to last week's call for Halloween screenshots from MMOs, and I'd like to encourage you to keep sending them...

Eternal Crusade on why it’s rolling out ‘intermediate patches’

Eternal Crusade Senior Producer Nathan Richardsson has updated Steam players on what's on the way for the newly launched Warhammer MMO. Next week's patch isn't...

Eternal Crusade greatly improves its user interface

The cleverly named Update 1.0.15c arrived in Eternal Crusade this week, helping to bolster the fledgling PvP title. Major attention was given to the...
Still here!

AdventureQuest 3D launches open beta on mobile, Mac, and PC

The big day for AdventureQuest 3D has finally arrived with the game's transition into a persistent open beta state. While PC, Mac, and Android...
Let me actually just get stronger.

World of Warcraft beefs up PvP rewards with Patch 7.1

World of Warcraft's PvP game is getting a helping hand come next week's Patch 7.1. The devs said that they are trying to encourage...

Hyperspace Beacon: Examining SWTOR’s contentious 5.0 endgame gear grind

If you didn't watch the Star Wars: The Old Republic livestream on Monday, then you missed Creative Director Charles Boyd, Producer Ben Irving, and...

Atlas Reactor pushes out post-launch patch with new hero and Halloween event

Atlas Reactor's first post-launch content update is here, and boy is it a doozy (in the best of dooziest ways). The spotlight feature for the...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Gaming playstyles, science, and Guild Wars 2

I was curious recently about what specific personality traits or personal qualities lead to my enjoyment of MMOs in general and Guild Wars 2 in particular,...
Here we go again.

Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival: Recapping The Stormblood keynote

The second Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival kicked off with the announcement everyone was waiting for: Stormblood, the game's second expansion, bringing players to the embattled...

Global Chat: Is Destiny’s Rise of Iron any good?

If you don't have a console but were still interested in hearing whether or not Destiny: Rise of Iron was any good, fret not:...

Marvel Heroes: Out with the omega system, in with the infinity system

Gazillion Lead Systems Designer TheArtofRawr is back with another Marvel Heroes design blog this weekend. Previously he's discussed hero powers and item updates, but...

Villagers & Heroes’ cross-platform Android version launches October 25

Villagers & Heroes is inching closer to its Android launch, Mad Otter's Damon Slye told forumgoers yesterday in a state-of-the-game post -- very close,...

Wurm Online roadmap outlines cooking, client, interface, and tutorial plans

Code Club has given Wurm Online players a rough outline today of what they can expect from the game over the next few months....