internet spaceships

Elite Dangerous posts its April update patch notes and offers to fund a tabletop CCG

It's a tale of two Elite: Dangerous stories this week: On the one hand, the game has kicked out its new April update, and...
That's Trek for you.

Star Trek Online announces Rise of Discovery, two new discounted Command Dreadnoughts

Star Trek Online fans, point your eyeballs at PC Gamer this afternoon, as it's got the scoop on Rise of Discovery - that's the...
Never mind, I'm not real!

Massively OP Podcast Episode 218: A pretty darn good week

Justin and Bree discuss City of Heroes, Atlas Reactor, Peria Chronicles, Torchlight Frontiers, Caravan Stories, Villagers & Heroes, and Star Trek Online.

CCP’s Hilmar Petursson says EVE Online isn’t in ‘stagnation’ – it has an active playerbase of 300K

GIbiz got a monstrously huge interview with CCP Games' Hilmar Petursson thanks to the EVE Online company's presence at Reboot Develop this month -...

Leaderboard: Do you plan to play on a City of Heroes rogue server?

I don't know whether people have guessed by now, but a lot of the City of Heroes screenshots we use here on Massively OP...
We never claimed to be saints.

Star Citizen’s Chris Roberts thinks that Anthem is worth saving

Not content to merely oversee the construction of the greatest space sim of all time, Star Citizen's Chris Roberts has ideas how to right...

The MOP Up: Population Zero throws a fashion show

You know how people advise you to "dress in layers" during inclement weather? And you think, "If I'm wearing pants, I'm doing well here,...

Star Trek Online will let you level with a T6 ship ‘very soon’

Considering how quickly you can level up in Star Trek Online these days (thanks, duty officers!), transferring to new ships every 10 levels has...

Elite Dangerous announces plans for monthly in-game events and changes to the new user experience

Personally speaking, my own delve in to Elite: Dangerous for Choose My Adventure showed a game that definitely has more going on just beneath...

Plan trade routes and share ship fittings with the EVE Online Workbench

Whether you're a space truckin' sort, a player that likes to hop in to Abyssal Deadspace, or one of those Capsuleers looking to start...

Star Citizen patch 3.5 is now playable for all, including playing as a lady

At long last - seriously, it's been weeks of delay - everyone can play a female character in Star Citizen. Everyone who can play...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why we’re excited about the SWTOR Onslaught announcement

Before the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina, millions of voices were crying out in terror: "We are never going to get any...
EVE Online

EVE Online’s CCP Games suggests the real-life politician it banned for insider trading might not be guilty after all

Earlier this month, we covered an emerging scandal in EVE Online: CCP Games had announced that it had removed a member of the current...
Boldly gone.

Star Trek Online kicks off a new event with a free Tier 6 ship coupon as a reward

It's hard to find a single player in Star Trek Online who would say no to a free Tier 6 ship with no strings attached;...

CCP Games thinks EVE Online is about to make it big in China and Korea

We've previously covered CCP Games' Hilmar Petersson's comments on not giving up after all EVE Online's unsuccessful spinoffs, including most recently Project Nova. But...

The Daily Grind: How open-ended do you want your MMORPGs to be?

A few months ago, MOP's Justin was gently teasing me about playing on a Star Wars Galaxies emulator, and he asked me about my...

Star Citizen’s 3.5 alpha is really, truly ‘imminent’ this time

The last week of March, everyone was super excited because patch day for Star Citizen had finally arrived. The 3.5 alpha, with its playable...

The MOP Up: Grab your Harry Potter nickname now!

When Harry Potter: Wizards Unite arrives later this year, by which name will you be known and feared? Lord Scooby? Mr. Cheddar? Fluffybutticus? The...

Battle Bards Episode 142: Sunrise, sunset

In MMORPGs across the world, days are beginning and days are ending — and with them come the catharsis of the sunrise and sunset....

One Shots: Band practice went long today

Fred and Wilma's parents always wondered what happened to them. One day they stayed after school for a little extra band practice... and they...