
Sure, why not, who cares.

Bless Online teases players with a class overview before launch

The Steam launch of Bless Online draws ever closer, and that means you're going to need to pick a class to play. You have...

Durango: Wild Lands set to launch on Android in SEA next month

Amid all of the spring MMO releases that are cropping up, be careful not to overlook what could be one of the hottest of...

Here’s what’s in Shroud of the Avatar’s R53, launching this Thursday

The dust may be settling after Shroud of the Avatar's final launch, but that doesn't mean the game is done. On the contrary, Portalarium...

Camelot Unchained works on trading, the UI, and building code ahead of July’s beta

July 4th is getting closer, which means the Camelot Unchained team is in high gear polishing up the build for the beta that's finally...

VR-based ARK Park has patched in free locomotion and better tutorials

How's virtual reality dino land ARK Park doing since its early access launch one month ago? Magic 8 Ball says reply hazy. Steam's aggregated...

Bless Online outlines key changes for its Steam release

When Bless Online launches on Steam early access next month, the version that western players experience won't be identical to the client that is...

The Survivalist: Four hopes for the future of ARK Survival Evolved

As we explored last week, game development isn't always an upward trajectory. Some things soar, and some things crash. Our last Survivalist conversation was about...

Old School RuneScape starts mobile beta testing

The first wave of invites have been sent out for Old School RuneScape's mobile closed beta, and the test has begun. While both versions of...

Defiance 2050 blasts its way into closed beta this weekend

Defiance 2050's closed beta - for PC, anyway, since the console version's beta testing has been delayed - is set to launch here not...
gotta keep 'em separated

Elder Scrolls Online’s update 18 adds PvP dailies and buffs, tackles PvP latency

Even if you're not buying Summerset at launch like some kind of crazed loon, you're still going to want to keep an eye on...

Star Trek Online improves XP boosters, brings back Delta Recruit event

There's nothing like an expansion to draw interest and attention back to an older MMO, and Star Trek Online is enjoying such a period...
It's jail time.

TERA Europe to merge down to four servers

TERA's had a busy month, what with the console launch and its Godsfall update. May is going to try its hardest to keep this...
Saw it coming, indeed.

Star Trek Online opens up its expansion bundle packages for Victory is Life

If you've been through prior expansion launches for Star Trek Online, you know that the expansion launch is almost always accompanied by big packs...

Giveaway: Snag a Stronghold Kingdoms loot code from Firefly and MOP!

MMORTS Stronghold Kingdoms is counting seven million players across all platforms this week as well as preparing for the launch of a brand-new European...

The Daily Grind: What could MMO taverns do to get you to stick around?

I have vague memories of ArenaNet talking about Guild Wars 2 taverns prior to its launch and how these spaces would be more than...

NTales: Child of Destiny follows up its global launch with a ‘grand launch’

As a wise man once said, if at first you don't succeed, launch, launch again! Pocket MMO NTales: Child of Destiny has already enjoyed...

Conan Exiles just patched in farming, fast travel, The Purge, and the combat revamp on both platforms

It's a big day over in Conan Exiles, whether you're on PC or Xbox One, as Funcom's just rolled out a major patch ahead...
Yeah, there's no version of this that ends well.

Saga of Lucimia defends Star Citizen’s slow progress, Shroud of the Avatar’s transparency

One of the challenges for indie and crowdfunded MMORPGs is surely the nature of their development: plugging along without much fanfare, with players seeing...
Oh look.

Boss Key owner Cliff Bleszinski claims that Epic Games is poaching his staff

If Radical Heights is not a success, it's the fault of Epic Games, according to Cliff Bleszinski. The head of Boss Key Studios recently...

The MOP Up: Seal Online embraces a cartoony spirit (April 15, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...