
Overwatch goes all apocalyptic with its new Junkertown map

It's time to lock and load and do what video gamers do best: escort! Today, Blizzard announced a brand-new map for Overwatch called Junkertown...

The MOP Up: Black Desert shows pet love (August 20, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

LOTRO Legendarium: A trip back through LOTRO’s expansions

Now that we're in the thick of Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor (which I'm still enjoying very much), my mind has taken a...
Harby harby!

Path of Exile preps for Xbox One, adjusts Harbinger challenge league

Even if you've spent all summer preparing to launch a major expansion, there's no rest for the weary over at Grinding Gear Games. The...
So... this is a thing.

Choose My Adventure: Finding my way in Shroud of the Avatar

Heading into Shroud of the Avatar for the first time was a bit of a strange experience for me, right from the start. Usually,...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Impressions of Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire preview weekend experience

I'm delighted to have found a moment to bring you an extra edition of Flameseeker Chronicles that outlines my thoughts on the first Guild Wars...
Where now?

The Daily Grind: Do you like being lost in MMOs?

In Final Fantasy XI, my first MMO, maps were few and far between, often blindingly unclear, and offered as many opportunities to be hopelessly...
This isn't alive yet, but it, too, is going to die.

Crowfall’s class/race retooling requires significant animation work for ArtCraft

ArtCraft Creative Director J Todd Coleman and Senior Animator Eric Doggett are back for another lengthy Crowfall Q&A, discussing upcoming cons and and getting...

Interview: Daybreak’s Just Survive drops H1Z1 branding for massive revamp and relaunch today

Remember the survival version of H1Z1? If not, we can't say that we blame you: Since Daybreak split the game in two, the bulk...

Citadel: Forged with Fire deployed a patch to finally stop non-responsive AI

In the strictest sense, there's nothing wrong with non-responsive AI in a game. Even in Citadel: Forged with Fire, it just means that whatever...

EVE Online revenge war update: The war machine stalls

Last week we brought you the news of a massive new war brewing in the north of EVE Online, and The Imperium's threat of revenge...

The Elder Scrolls Online’s Horns of the Reach DLC is live

Horns of the Reach is live in The Elder Scrolls Online today as ZeniMax's first major update since the Morrowind campaign/expansion rolled out in...

Warcraft III starts testing map improvements, promises better matchmaking

Believe it or not, kiddos, there were other games in the Warcraft series than just a certain MMORPG. Warcraft III, which came out two...

H1Z1: King of the Kill is due for a major combat upgrade

Did you forget H1Z1 is still in early access? We did not! The King of the Kill half in particular is still getting heavy...

Guild Wars 2’s free-play Path of Fire preview weekend is live

Update: It's up, go go go! Ahead of its September 22nd launch, Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire expansion will be on public display this...

Overwatch finally incorporates a deathmatch mode

While resistant for a long time about adding the game mode, Blizzard has finally acquiesced to bringing deathmatch to Overwatch. Game Director Jeff Kaplan explained...

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire’s huge new in-game map and the promise of PvP

There's a joke on the Guild Wars 2 subreddit that you don't need to read anything about the game -- you just wait for...

WoW’s Garrosh Hellscream joins Heroes of the Storm

Orc faithful, one of your own has descended upon Heroes of the Storm: Garrosh Hellscream. Rawr. Everybody else, you can just have fun killing...

Crowfall tests an itty-bitty teeny-weeny campaign map

Judge not Crowfall by its pre-alpha size, will you? Let's hope not, because for the sake of testing the team is cramming players together in...
All good!

Guild Wars 2: Loot rumors, RNG grumblings, character boosters, and map spoilers

Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire detail rumors are swirling as info (and disinfo) is trickling back from the test environment. Here's a few of...