
A major global studio based in South Korea, known in the west for games like WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and Aion, among many others.

Perfect Ten: MMOs of the apocalypse

It's the end of the world as we know it -- and for some reason, we are still gaming. I guess that your investment...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 232: Girl Dwarves rock our world

Justin and Bree discuss WoW, LOTRO, DDO, Guild Wars 2, Star Trek Online, Skyforge, City of Heroes, SWG Legends, and Marvel Heroes.

Lineage 2 Korea announces the arrival of the Death Knight on August 14

The Korean version of Lineage II is seeing an update on August 14th, and it is properly good and spooky. Or extremely edgelord. Really,...

Choose My Adventure: I may have fallen out of love with City of Heroes

I have to admit something, to everyone reading this and to myself. I’m not sure I missed City of Heroes as much as I...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Chairs and other oddities in Guild Wars 2’s cash shop

I love MMO cosmetics, and Guild Wars 2 has a great selection, from armor skins and outfits to gliders to minipets to mount skins....

The MOP Up: The Division 2 takes everyone to the zoo

Everyone likes free stuff, right? And anyone with a soul loves the zoo, too! It is probably a smart marketing tactic, then, that The...

One Shots: Indulging in nostalgia

When an MMORPG recedes into the rearview mirror of life, all you are left with are memories, music... and screenshots. It's amazing how a...

NCsoft Q2 2019: Guild Wars 2 may be eyeing a mobile version (again)

Those with long memories might recall that way back in 2010 prior to Guild Wars 2's launch, ArenaNet made a (small) bit of noise...

Massively Overthinking: Thoughts and predictions on Guild Wars 2’s next big thing

Last week, Guild Wars 2 put an end to the whining about info droughts by promising a big reveal of living story season 5...
Listen up.

WildStar composer Jeff Kurtenacker asks fans for their soundtrack questions

While WildStar may be gone, its memory still looms large in the minds of many fans, especially when it comes to the game's iconic...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: Why people create alts in MMOs

I have alts in Final Fantasy XIV. This is absurd for two reasons. First, the statement makes it clear that I have alternate characters...

The Stream Team: Playing some Praetoria in City of Heroes

What do you do when your bank heist dreams didn't pan out? Why not go rogue? Massively OP's team is heading back in to...

Desert Oasis: A guide to open PvP and grindspot etiquette in the world of Black Desert

Back in my classic Guild Wars days, I was so happy to have the scrimmage system. It was a great way to solve arguments....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 231: EverQuest and Secret World prognostications

Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online, Pagan Online, EverQuest 3, Guild Wars 2, and Worlds Adrift, with adventures in WoW, SWG, and Villagers & Heroes, plus mailbag topics on The Secret World and MMO fashion.

Guild Wars 2’s Festival of the Four Winds is live once again, along with the legendary upgrade event

It's patch day for Guild Wars 2 today and the new event is live. "Festival of the Four Winds has returned to Tyria!" ArenaNet...

Choose My Adventure: Help, the Going Rogue story of City of Heroes has a hold of me

The thing about being a superhero that almost nobody tells you is that there are personal stories involved. Sure, the big picture is what...

The Daily Grind: Has there ever been MMO loot you desperately wanted but never got?

Throughout the course of my MMO play, I've found that some loot I've craved is simply never meant to be. Sometimes it's an expensive...

MMO Week in Review: Wouldn’t it be awesome if Guild Wars 2’s next season were Cantha

It was a surprisingly solid week for Guild Wars 2, not so much because of one specific thing but because of the deluge: ArenaNet...
Trash pandas.

The MOP Up: H1Z1’s huge PlayStation 4 update

Do you remember when H1Z1 used to be about surviving the zombie apocalypse? Yeah, me neither. In any case, gear up and slide behind...
Here we go again.

Global Chat: Ranking World of Warcraft’s expansions

Have you ever tried your hand at ranking all of World of Warcraft's expansions from worst to best? Sure you have, because everyone's done...