new game enhancements
Player apartments won’t make SWG Legends’ Cloud City expansion launch next week
With SWG Legends' City in the Clouds expansion just a week away, the player devs have dropped a dev blog (yes, really). And it's...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best way MMOs can improve player retention – other than new content?
Months ago, Gamasutra published a piece about the long-tail of game development - basically, how to keep a video game selling copies and/or attracting...
SWG Galaxies Restoration III’s CU/NGE blend rogue server says launch is ‘imminent’
If you follow the Star Wars Galaxies emulation community at all, you're probably waiting on a very big announcement from a certain rogue server...
Vague Patch Notes: MMO sunsets and the myth of meritocracy
A few weeks back, I talked about why a given MMO might have failed even when it possessed good qualities. It was a response...
The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v4.0
By far, my favorite column to write here at Massively OP (and the one that always takes the longest) is The Game Archaeologist. I've...
Star Wars Galaxies Legends’ community honors a fallen player developer, Irish
One thing I've learned over the past many years of dabbling in emulators is that their communities and teams can be as tight or...
Crowfall just picked up former SWG comms director Diane ‘Tiggs’ Migliaccio as its new community manager
There's a fresh face over at Crowfall, though it's one long-time MMORPG veterans will remember: Crowfall has picked up a new community manager, Diane...
Star Wars Galaxies Restoration III is a new rogue server blending the CU with the NGE
One of the best (and arguably also worst) parts of the Star Wars Galaxies emulation community is just how many servers we have to...
Massively Overthinking: Jumping the shark in MMOs
I'm sure those few people out there still bearing a grudge over the Rune-keeper would disagree with me, but one of the things that...
Massively Overthinking: Deleting pieces of MMOs to save them
Two ideas floated across my virtual desk in recent weeks, neither directly relating to MMORPGs, but they put the nugget of an idea in...
Star Wars Galaxies Legends celebrates 40 years of Empire Strikes Back with new PvE and PvP content
It's patch week over in the Star Wars Galaxies rogue server known as SWG Legends, and if you're a PvP player or endgame PvE...
The Daily Grind: What MMO has the shortest leveling content?
One of the oddball things I actually liked about Star Wars Galaxies - even its NGE version - was how wildly fast leveling went...
The Daily Grind: If you had your way, what one MMO patch in history would you roll back?
Rollbacks are in the news lately, and not for great reasons - some Guild Wars 2 players did indeed lose hours of time played...
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG boasts the best animal husbandry or taming system?
Last week, we wrote about Project Gorgon's animal husbandry system thanks to a tip from MOP reader Dalton, and I have to say I...
Perfect Ten: Dead MMOs resurrected via rogue servers
Last December, the Massively OP 2019 Awards gave its "Best Trend" nod to the rise of rogue servers in the MMO genre. Preservation of...
The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v3.0
Behind history are people and stories, some of them well-known and some of them obscure. It has been my mission in The Game Archaeologist...
Space content for SWGemu is still up in the air as devs say a wipe and launch are still ‘a long ways off’
If you've followed the long-running original-flavor Star Wars Galaxies emu community for any length of time, you are surely aware of the emulator that...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the best (worst?) at ruining classes?
A recent thread on the MMORPG subreddit caught my attention: Do you ever dread what's gonna happen to your class when an expansion is...
Star Wars Galaxies Legends is working on Felucia – a new planet with new houses, player cities, and space zone
The upcoming addition of true Bespin content to Star Wars Galaxies rogue servers like the NGE-based SWG Legends has been a big deal for...
New Star Wars Galaxies rogue server Sunrunner 2 blends pre-NGE and post-NGE content
So here's the thing about Star Wars Galaxies: The people who tell you NGE stunk are right. When it launched in 2005, it was...