news items


Star Wars: The Old Republic provides backstory fiction for Knights of the Eternal Throne

Look, we don't want to spoil the ending of Star Wars: The Old Republic's last expansion story arc for you if you're still working...
Could mean anything.

Rumor: Marvel Heroes code points to a PlayStation port; Beast and Black Bolt on the way

It's easy to get carried away based on circumstantial evidence when speculating about the future. Players have been suspecting that Marvel Heroes might be...
Where and why.

Dual Universe puts out a first draft of its lore bible

Technically, one could argue that you don't need lore to make an MMORPG work; it just helps players have an idea of who they're...
Ah yes, teamwork.

Star Trek Online deploys fleets to consoles

While those playing Star Trek Online on consoles are a bit behind the game's PC client, that also means that they get updates a...
It looks much better now.

Go. Hunt. Kill Rooks: City of Titans unveils its latest enemy group

Anyone who has played the game that inspired City of Titans knows that they will play with a very straightforward objective: Go. Hunt. Kill......
This is fine.

Guild Wars 2 addresses outage bugs, NCsoft deals with DDOS attacks

When you're running an online game, there are certain words that are pretty much always a harbinger of problems. Words like "outage," and "missing,"...

World of Warcraft celebrates its anniversary with corgis and trivia

It's been twelve years since World of Warcraft launched, and that means it's time to log in, earn anniversary achievements, and pick up some...
Can't wait to see what's next here?

Peria Chronicles posts a new trailer in advance of G-Star 2016

G-Star 2016 is just around the corner, and that means that Western MMO fans can dazzle at the numerous Korean MMOs on display whilst...
It was a different time.

World of Warcraft datamining points to new WoW Token use in patch 7.1.5

Do you remember BlizzCon 2016? It was just a couple of weeks ago, surely you do. One of the topics on discussion was letting...
So. Bye?

Heroes of the Storm highlights Varian Wrynn and his multiple specs

King Varian Wrynn in Heroes of the Storm is a Warrior. Not just in the MOBA-specific terminology, either; he's a Warrior in the classic...
Not paying attention is not a mark of honor.

Defiance plans for the New Frontier Harvest event

Every other MMO with a Thanksgiving event can pack it in because Defiance has clearly won the arms race. Literally, in fact: The game...
Seriously, okay, fine.

Kings and Heroes posts a quick video of its combat

Do you remember Kings and Heroes? You don't remember it, do you. It's that online co-op dungeon crawler that entered early access a few...
We continue on, in perpetuity, unaffected by time. When the world is cold and dead and the sun is naught but an ember, we shalle remain. And we will sell you card packs.

Hearthstone previews the machinations of the Kabal

What happens in Azeroth when a spellcaster goes too far? Obviously, said spellcaster has to turn around and try to make the right turn...
Warp Restraining Orders

Atlas Reactor shows off Kaigin the Warpstalker

The newest character in Atlas Reactor, Kaigin, does not respect the personal space of warp. He's sneaking through warp's closets and taking compromising photos...

AdventureQuest 3D plans major November content update

Now that AdventureQuest 3D has survived the days of testing, it can enter into the next perpetual phase of MMO development, also known as...
Back to the same.

Diablo III’s anniversary patch is available for testing

Looking forward to making Diablo III feel like the original Diablo for just a little while? The game's most recent patch has hit the...

Guns of Icarus Alliance is now in beta

There's nothing quite like flying through the air in a steampunk airship, unless you're also blowing other steampunk airships out of the sky. Guns...
fite me

EverQuest II previews the raids of Kunark Ascending

Are you ready for the shock of the year? Here it is: There will be raids in EverQuest II: Kunark Ascending. We'll let you...
Everything is fine.

Riders of Icarus plans adjustments for Legendary dungeons

How do you feel about the Legendary dungeons in Riders of Icarus? Do you feel that they're tuned to just the right difficulty and...
It's lonely out in space.

Trion addresses downtime with the ArcheAge community

No one likes network issues. Trion acknowledged a slew of network issues hitting ArcheAge over the past few days in a forum post, noting...