Official Site: No Man’s Sky
no man’s sky
No Man’s Sky promises updates to move Beyond bugs
With virtual reality and much larger multiplayer functionality than before, No Man's Sky Beyond should be the toast of the town right now. And...
No Man’s Sky heads into Beyond today
The latest update to No Man's Sky is at once the sort of thing that feels more isolating and less so. You can imagine,...
The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you’ve bought and never played?
It's sort of a running joke in the gaming world, especially for folks whose gaming revolves around Steam, that we all buy games cheaply...
No Man’s Sky discusses social spaces, cooking, animal taming, and other features of the Beyond update
It would appear, considering the timing of our source articles, that a media embargo lifted. No Man's Sky has been making the games media...
No Man’s Sky Beyond gets a full launch trailer showing off its multiplayer environment
There's a lot of multiplayer support going on in No Man's Sky Beyond, the game's update arriving on August 14th. The latest trailer for...
No Man’s Sky: Beyond arrives on August 14
If you've been eagerly awaiting the release of No Man's Sky: Beyond, your wait is almost over. The next big update for the game...
No Man’s Sky may be on the verge of its massively multiplayer update
Can you feel that? That is the eerie calm right before No Man's Sky explodes with its biggest update ever. Or it could be...
No Man’s Sky boss on why placating players with prattle rather than proof doesn’t work
Sometimes, as media, and surely as players, we wish a studio would just... stop talking. Just be quiet. Nothing you say is going to...
Massively Overthinking: Always be achievin’ (in MMOs)
A while back, my husband and I were idly chatting about MMO achievements. Neither one of us is much of an achievement hunter, or...
No Man’s Sky players raised so much money for a gratitude billboard that they’re giving extra to charity
It doesn't seem like all that long ago that No Man's Sky was in the headlines for all the bad reasons: toxicity, hacking, meltdowns,...
Massively Overthinking: What are your favorite MMO ‘chores’?
A few months ago, The Outline ran a piece on Red Dead Redemption 2 titled I don't wanna do my video games chores, and...
Massively Overthinking: Is there a ‘do or die’ moment for MMOs now?
This week MOP's Eliot and I were chatting about the wild summer the MMO industry is about to have, what with a whole bunch...
No Man’s Sky has a community devoted to transportation via black holes
In real life, as near as we can tell from the science, the only place you get transported to when you enter a black...
The MOP Up: Grab your Harry Potter nickname now!
When Harry Potter: Wizards Unite arrives later this year, by which name will you be known and feared? Lord Scooby? Mr. Cheddar? Fluffybutticus? The...
No Man’s Sky Beyond will include free virtual reality support this summer
Earlier this month, we learned that Hello Games still has huge ambitions for No Man's Sky; it's planning to turn the game into a...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 212: Harry Potter, progression servers, and No MMO’s Sky
Justin and Bree discuss the Harry Potter mobile MMOARG; progression servers for RIFT, LOTRO, and EverQuest; No Man's Sky's MMO ambitions; WoW 8.1.5; Blade & Soul's next big thing; and The Division 2's sleepy launch. With reader mail on factional divides, the death of playable races, and staying healthy while gaming.
Global Chat: Parting ways with Cryptic’s Foundry
It's a sad and regrettable situation for Cryptic to be closing one of its most unique features -- and in two games, no less....
No Man’s Sky is planning its major Beyond update for the summer with online play
We've been covering No Man's Sky for a long while here, first because the game was supposed to have a multiplayer component and then...
Steam lists Elder Scrolls Online, Black Desert, and Warframe among 2018’s best sellers
While not technically an awards show, Steam's "Best of 2018" page effectively serves as one as it looks at the best-selling and most-played titles...
No Man’s Sky multiplayer finally hits beta for GOG players
No Man's Sky took its place in the hierarchy of multiplayer titles - even MMOs, one might argue - this year with the addition...