
Norrath is the fictional world of the EverQuest franchise.

EverQuest II
EverQuest Next
EverQuest Online Adventures

My expectations weren't that I would be jumping into this right away, but...

The Soapbox: No, the MMO genre is not dead – but it could use a little positivity

One of my favorite idioms is "dead as a doornail." It always reminds me of the time I got sent out of my 10th...

After suggesting it’d save Player Studio, Daybreak has quietly shuttered it for EverQuest instead

Back in March, Daybreak appointed a new Producer for its long-running Player Studio program - that's the system that allowed players to create and...
Not this.

EverQuest and EverQuest II kick off the Summer Spectacular as time-locked expansion servers advance

The summer spectacular has arrived in EverQuest and EverQuest II. No mediocrity with summer for you, it's all the spectacular here. The events run...

Perfect Ten: The MMORPGs boasting the most expansions

In 2018 alone, the MMORPG industry saw no less than 14 major expansions release for various titles, and in 2019 we've had at least...

EverQuesting: EverQuest turns the big 2-0

Today is a pretty big day in Norrath: EverQuest turns the big 2-0! Impressive. Twenty years is quite an accomplishment. Even more impressive than...
It goes clicky.

Global Chat: Off-the-cuff impressions of Anthem

If you like BioWare, high tech eye candy, blowing crap up, or riding the current wave of Hot New Game Releases, chances are that...

EverQuesting: It’s a cash shop Christmas in EverQuest II’s Frostfell

Abandon hope all ye who log in here. That is how I felt at the start of EverQuest II's Frostfell this past Tuesday. As...

EverQuest II previews the Planes of Air and Water in anticipation of tomorrow’s Chaos Descending launch

We're only a day away from the release of EverQuest II's 15th expansion, Chaos Descending, which will take players across the elemental planes of...

The Stream Team: Celebrating EverQuest II’s anniversary like a hero

Today marks EQII's 14th birthday! Hooray! And in celebration of that milestone, Massively OP's MJ is diving in for some serious Heroes Festival fun....

EverQuesting: EverQuest II’s 14th anniversary retrospective, from Columbus Nova to Chaos Descending

During last year's anniversary retrospective for EverQuest II I dared to say things were too quiet. Big mistake! Why would I tempt fate like...

EverQuest awakens to the Nights of the Dead

EverQuest II isn't the only Norrath MMO that's enjoying a string of spooky Nights of the Dead. While a little late to the party,...
Power whelming. Power with just the right amount of whelm.

Fan video covers the rise and fall of the EverQuest franchise

If you read MJ's recent column covering the history of the EverQuest franchise, you may find yourself quite nostalgic for Norrath. In that case,...

EverQuesting: The history of the EverQuest franchise

Back in 2013, I took a walk through the annals of the EverQuest franchise's history. What started as one title not only blossomed into...

EverQuesting: Returning to EverQuest II’s Guk (for the first time)

In my last EverQuesting, I mentioned that I had not participated in much -- if any -- of EverQuest II's The Shadow Odyssey content. I've...

EverQuesting: Ranking our favorite EverQuest II expansions

I was recently asked which EverQuest II expansion was the best. The best! I didn't know how to answer that really: I am not...

The Game Archaeologist: A history of EverQuest’s expansions

I don't know if EverQuest holds the crown title for the MMO with the most expansions, but I'm sure it's among the top three...

EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s new Oceansfull Festival

So there was an update in EverQuest II recently. It was major enough it had a real name. But honestly, that barely garnered a...

EverQuest II debuts its otterly adorable Oceansfull festival

Is it ever too late in an MMO's lifecycle to introduce a new holiday? We think not! EverQuest II is jazzing up June with...

EverQuesting: Seven must-dos with your free EverQuest II level 100

We are smack-dab in the middle of the free level 100 giveaway in EverQuest II for all existing accounts. If you haven't made your...

The Stream Team: Visiting EverQuest II’s Far Seas Distillery

When MassivelyOP's MJ and crew spent time working through Heritage Quests, the rat got all of the attention. But only the Fury can enjoy...