patch notes

Pantheon shares its progress for May, promises to be close to its next round of pre-alpha testing

The developers of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen are pretty excited about their progress so far. More specifically, producer Benjamin Dean is, as evidenced...

Amazon’s Crucible struggled with logins last night, but it’s up with a new patch now

So the Crucible launch didn't quite go as planned. If you tried to hop into Amazon's new team shooter last night, you already know the...

Black Desert just patched in a full-fledged music composition system for the Shai

Remember when the Shai launched in Black Desert's PC version last year, and everyone was enthralled with her instrument-wielding bard-like skills? Well, this week...

Fallout 76 patches in ally customization, treasure hunting content, and piles of bug fixes

It's patch day in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Fallout 76, and while yes the update has a whole bunch of marquee features we'll talk...

Vendetta Online explains what’s delaying content updates in recent bug fix patch notes

What's new with internet spaceship MMO Vendetta Online? Besides the fact that it's still here like a friendly ghost since 2004, I mean? According...
Zero, zero, zero, Ted Danson.

Population Zero’s patch today makes your sprained ankles much less annoying

We're going to take a bold stance here on Massively Overpowered and say that sprained ankles are not fun. They're not fun in Population Zero, either,...
It's a tiny little sprout thing. It might kill you.

Vague Patch Notes: Player vs. class in Final Fantasy XI

I had finally hit level 41 on Red Mage in Final Fantasy XI. That was when the world changed, and if you played the game,...

Working as Intended: The big list of City of Heroes rogue servers, 2020 edition

It's been a weird and wonderful year for City of Heroes fans. In April of 2019, the expose of a secret City of Heroes...

Legends of Runeterra squashes bugs in patch 1.1, promises balance changes in patch 1.2

With Riot's CCG Legends of Runeterra now an officially launched game, the endless dragon's tail chase begins of attacking bugs and balancing cards. The...

Elder Scrolls Blades exits early access, adds new quests with latest update

It's maybe easy to forget that Elder Scrolls Blades has been in early access, but it has. That's about to end with the release...

Something secret is coming to Lord of the Rings Online tomorrow

Lord of the Rings Online has had its fair share of secrets over the years, but rarely is the playerbase given a heads-up that...

RuneScape Mobile’s beta goes live on iOS today along with some patch notes

Today is the day that Apple users can get their mobile RuneScape on starting at 12:00 p.m. EDT, as we've reported previously. The iOS...

Elite: Dangerous’ second fleet carriers beta begins today – here are the patch notes

The next round of beta for fleet carriers in Elite: Dangerous is fast approaching, and with it comes a number of confirmed changes that...
Hell hell hell hell

Neverwinter gets a small patch with quest improvements and ability adjustments

Alas, Black Ice Warhorse, your old ability was too complicated for Neverwinter. So now it has been made simpler and adjusted to be more...

Vague Patch Notes: What causes the preponderance of disconnected MMO endgames?

Yesterday, I wrote a whole column about how WildStar had some really great stuff in it. I did not mention its endgame at all....

Conan Exiles’ Architect of Argos DLC and Followers II update are live today

Blink and you'll have missed it: Just a few days after confirming Architect of Argos was launching at Conan Exiles' latest builder-centric DLC, Funcom...
she's a killah

Albion Online adds mobile improvements like a virtual joystick and Outland banks, raises €42K for COVID-19 relief

If you've been exploring Albion Online on mobile or if you just like the option when you're not at home (there was a time...

Wurm Online fixes a number of weird bugs in its latest patch

The most recent patch to sandbox MMO Wurm Online is mostly all about improving the game and crushing bugs, which is all well and...

Warframe tackles Railjack adjustments, Archwing changes, and PvE Conclave mods

Warframe's internet spaceships are getting a major overhaul, along with a whole lot more. In a completely massive post on the forums, Digital Extremes...
Paint with all the colors of the etc.

Legends of Aria patches monthly goals, lets players go berserk in Chaos Zones

Sometimes, you just gotta cut loose and smash every digital face your avatar sees, and now players of Legends of Aria will be able...