

EverQuest II outlines this year’s festivities for the Nights of the Dead

It's time for things to get super spooky in EverQuest II as the Nights of the Dead arrive once more; if you can't celebrate the macabre...
Oh no, manchildren!

Final Fantasy XIV’s GARO collaboration ends with patch 5.1; get your rewards now

You remember the Final Fantasy XIV collaboration with GARO, right? It's hard to forget it; where else can you get an invisible shield, mechanical ponies,...
Eyes cream.

World of Warcraft previews patch 8.3, Visions of N’Zoth, and plans Dire Maul for WoW Classic October 15

Hard on the heels of World of Warcraft patch 8.2.5 comes the reveal of patch 8.3, Visions of N'Zoth, the next (and likely final) major...
Bless this hot mess.

EVE Online previews its October patch and releases its monthly economic report

The October release approaches swiftly for EVE Online, with the update scheduled for October 8th (in the wee hours of the morning for most players...
Hello, peoples.

Final Fantasy XIV is adding more player housing wards with patch 5.1

If there's one recurring complaint about housing in Final Fantasy XIV (and there is), it's that there just aren't enough houses to go around. The...
Well, it's just a phase.

World of Warcraft: Classic should be getting Phase 2 before the end of the year

Now don't panic, folks; if you haven't gotten everything you wanted to do in Phase 1 of World of Warcraft: Classic accomplished just yet, you've...
Pictured? Not me.

Final Fantasy XI plans for Monk and Dragoon improvements in its October version update

Isn't it nice when you get something good by association? The next major patch for Final Fantasy XI is scheduled for October, and it's bringing...
I feel a lot better about exploding here.

Elite: Dangerous puts out a patch of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements

The latest Elite: Dangerous patch out today is all about fixing issues with the game. Some of those are bugs; for example, console players have...

Final Fantasy XIV outlines the changes being made for Mentors in patch 5.1

You may have noticed that players with Mentor crowns in Final Fantasy XIV are... well, not necessarily the people you would want teaching new players how...
Bap-a-dap-daaaa, daaa, dap-a-bap-daaaaaa ~♪

Star Wars: The Old Republic reaches final phase of Onslaught testing, previews Mercenaries and Commandos

It's the final countdown over on the Star Wars: The Old Republic's test server, or more accurately, the final test phase. Yes, there's still more...
This is surely not going to turn out badly.

Lord of the Rings Online warns Mac players not to update their operating system due to software compatability

If you're happy that we are collectively moving on to 64-bit systems (perhaps you're still really anxious about the impact of the 2038 problem),...

City of Heroes: Homecoming patches in the third part of Issue 26 with new stories and powers

At long last, City of Heroes players who have been aching for new story content have an option for exactly that with the release of...
Dim grawn.

Grim Dawn previews new areas, story, and rebalanced items for its next major content update

The next major update for Grim Dawn is apparently so large that the only way for the developers to discuss it is in tones similar...

World of Warcraft: Arcane Mages, Saurfang’s story, and the loot of the BlizzCon virtual ticket

If you're unhappy with the current state of Arcane Mage in World of Warcraft, there are three potential reasons for that dissatisfaction: You might feel...
We have a bank!

RuneScape patches in big improvements to its bank interface

The sheer length of RuneScape's operation means that veteran players no doubt have banks absolutely clogged with stuff, which makes the newest patch's bank...
Hey guys. Want to help?

The Elder Scrolls Online updates players on its plans for performance upgrades in its next few patches

System performance, the never-ending bugbear of all applications. The Elder Scrolls Online has been running for a while now, and naturally that has meant...
Oh no, evidence!

Hearthstone makes plans for more events, more shakeups, and quest improvements

With the third chapter of the Tombs of Terror campaign rolling out, Hearthstone is giving players a chance to peek behind the curtain to see...
Nothing really changes.

Rockstar is apparently ‘100% focused’ on Red Dead Online rather than single-player DLC

As players who prefer PC games wait patiently for Red Dead Redemption 2 to arrive on their preferred platform, the players who already got...
That's Trek for you.

Star Trek Online’s patch today continues adjusting patrols rewards

Here's the bad news for today's patch in Star Trek Online: The Delta patrol missions will be providing less experience at the end of the...
Buy my book! BUY MY BOOK!

PlanetSide 2 releases a PlanetSide: Arena cosmetic bundle and back-end improvements

If you're enjoying your time in PlanetSide: Arena and want to get some of that look in PlanetSide 2, the developers will be delighted to sell you...