perfect world

– Perfect World Entertainment (PWE), a video game publisher
– Perfect World International, a video game by PWE


Torchlight III’s spring update drops next week with a new class that summons ghost pirates

Magic Legends and Champions Online aren't the only PWE titles getting love this month: Torchlight III is destined for its spring update next week...

Champions Online targets the Archery powerset for a revamp

Just when you thought that the powersets you got in Champions Online would continue on the same until the game's final day, suddenly there's...

The Stream Team: Pushing deeper into the Underdark in Neverwinter

After securing the Verdant Caves, Massively OP's MJ and her team are ready to help Davlin Hoth expand the safe area in Neverwinter's Underdark....

Magic Legends’ May update adds streamlining, newbie QOL, and monetization changes

Magic Legends is gearing up for a big beta update tomorrow, but before it drops, Perfect World and Cryptic have posted a dev blog...

The Stream Team: Taking care of Star Trek Online’s Tholian Trouble

The Tholians have brought more trouble to Star Trek Online. This time, they are launching a two-pronged attack: capturing a Romulan flotilla in the...

Neverwinter’s Sharandar module wraps up in June with The Odious Court

Just in case you haven't been tracking it, Neverwinter has been rolling out its Sharandar module not as a all-in-one package but rather in...

The Stream Team: Into the Underdark in Neverwinter

Massively OP's MJ and the D&D night crew got their first look at the Drow during their quest to save Rothe Valley from the...
Oh, good, you're finally awake.

The MOP Up: Halo Infinite’s cross-platform pledge

For those looking forward to Halo: Infinite's multiplayer shooty action, you should be pleased to hear that Microsoft has confirmed that the game will...

Champions Online is holding a kaiju-themed costume contest on April 30

Ah, the costume contest. That venerable piece of emergent content that vets of a certain superheroic title will remember all too fondly (or bitterly...

Neverwinter will reopen the Hell Pit for PC players to test their mettle on April 29

With Neverwinter on the precipice of war and the legions of hell looking for strong souls to join their ranks, now seems as good...

Battle Bards Episode 191: Digging up the past

Today’s episode of the Battle Bards was phoned in — phoned in with 2800-baud modems from the 1990s, that is! Steff, Syl, and Syp...

The Stream Team: Going after fire giants and dragons in Neverwinter

Massively OP's MJ is (sadly) almost done with her Neverwinter adventures in the hot spot Mount Hotenow. But she does get to volcano dive...

Neverwinter announces the end of PvP seasons as the devs ‘explore ways to evolve PvP’

It looks like there's a paradigm shift to PvPing on the way to Neverwinter. While Season 14 is still coming -- specifically between now...
I blew things up!

The MOP Up: Apex Legends racks up 100 million players

For some games, the key metric to brag by is the total number of players that have come in through one's doors. And if...

Perfect World Games unveils Perfect New World, a new PC, mobile, and console MMO set to launch globally

Apparently, there's going to be a lot more Perfect World going on sometime in the near (or distant) future. During a Perfect World Game...

Grab a free set of Magic Legends Crusader Armor courtesy of PWE and MOP

With the April beta patch for Magic Legends now under the devs' belt, Cryptic and PWE are eager to get player eyeballs back on...

Neverwinter’s Sharandar Soul Keeper episode makes undead elves creep again today

As promised, part two of Neverwinter's three-chunk Sharandar expansion is fully live for PC players. The follow-up to March's Iron Tooth release, today's Soul...

The MOP Up: Neverwinter’s April Fools dungeon

April Fools Day may be past, but its spirit lives on in Neverwinter! This past week's small patch opened up a mini-dungeon for goofy...

One Shots: The voyage home

When you've spent a whole lot of calories burning, pillaging, and looting villages, it's a welcome sight to see the rest and shelter of...

Neverwinter’s second episode of Sharandar opens the Mended Grove to PC players on April 13

Players of Neverwinter on PC won't have long to wait for the next portion of Sharandar content, as the devs have announced on Twitter...