

Ascent: Infinite Realm previews the Black Hand

Let's drop the TLDR version of Ascent: Infinite Realm's backstory here to make sure we're all on the same page. There's lots of war...
Try it out.

Destiny 2 will be letting players in on experimental PvP modes at the end of May

The release of Warmind means that Destiny 2 players are due for another roadmap on the game's development, and guess what's shown up? Exactly...

Wild West Online previews ‘relatively big redesign of the game’ and the PvP system a week after launch

If you suspected, as I did, that Wild West Online might not get much in the way of updates after its bizarrely hasty launch,...

Bless outlines its new box price and sub plan, which it does not want you to call a sub

Bless Online's media event and pricing reveal last week may not have gone entirely to plan. You'll recall that Neowiz announced at the time...

Blade and Soul promises a new class, engine upgrade, and new raids

Feeling like your Blade and Soul character has hit a plateau in his or her development? Then it's probably time to graduate to the...
Not pictured: Rabbits. We don't know what they'll look like yet.

Wisdom of Nym: The last batch of Final Fantasy XIV patch reveals

You know, I seriously could have sworn that I publicly predicted the next Final Fantasy XIV patch would be out on May 22nd. But...

Guild Wars 2’s underwater combat update and class balance pass are live today

Some MMOs pump out an endless stream of previews for their big patches, especially the type that overhaul major game systems or balance combat,...
Go pew.

Star Trek Online previews the upcoming Gamma Task Force for Victory is Life

You've always known that there's going to be a new reputation coming along with the next Star Trek Online patch, because of course there...

Conan Exiles outlines its day-one patch plans as players grumble over preorder bonuses

With less than a week to go before launch, the Conan Exiles team is putting out one last newsletter with the plan for the...

Ascent: Infinite Realm teases its world-building as it adjusts from beta feedback

Last year's announcement that Kakao would be bringing the steampunk-flavored Ascent: Infinite Realm to the west was a much-needed shot of encouragement to MMO...
Hello again.

Amazon is apparently having influencers playtest New World

MMO influencer, fan, and Massively OP reader-slash-heckler Lethality posted publicly to Twitter this morning that he's playtesting Amazon's New World. That's good news for everyone,...
Come hell or high elf.

Crowfall previews the armor of the High Elves

The next alpha version of Crowfall will allow players to try out the High Elf race, which means that it would be a bit...
I can see you now!

Saga of Lucimia previews its third-person camera perspective

Do you want to see yourself in Saga of Lucimia? Or see your character, we should specify. The team is making progress on the...
Remember, you were the ones who couldn't wait for this game.

Bless Online previews the Guardian and Paladin classes with fresh videos

Neowiz is following up its Bless Online class previews from last week with another round of videos, this time focusing on the different combat...

Stardew Valley’s multiplayer edition is finally in beta testing

With word that Stardew Valley's multiplayer update is almost upon us, we only have one question: Which of you peasants will toil the rich...
Big time.

Wisdom of Nym: Little boosts for Final Fantasy XIV

When I talk about games that provide a whole lot of quality-of-life fixes, I generally point to Final Fantasy XIV as a perfect example....

EVE Evolved: Getting ready for EVE Online’s Abyssal revolution

If you've seen the news recently coming out of EVE Fanfest 2018, you've probably heard of EVE Online's upcoming expansion: Into the Abyss. Pockets...

World of Warcraft previews two expansion races, nixes Strand of the Ancients battleground

Feeling a little primal and savage? You'll be able to tap into that nature by rolling up one of the new Mag'har Orcs or...

Final Fantasy XIV previews the Ridorana Lighthouse of patch 4.3

South of Rabanastre, there is a lighthouse. It's not a very good lighthouse, because it's surrounded by a yawning chasm that gets worse every...

Conan Exiles posts brand-new preview video with two weeks to go before launch

Two more weeks, folks! That's how long Conan Exiles has left on its early access contract before it expires and fully launches. Funcom's released...