
PvE stands for player-vs.-environment, where environment is generally taken to mean the world, NPCs, and AI.

The MOP Up: The Black Death’s knights vs. outlaws (October 2, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

EverQuesting: Landmark brings back PvP and Halloween in its latest patch

Note: While mainly focused on the franchise that started it all, EverQuesting delves into the other Daybreak news and titles as well. I can't help...

The Stream Team: Beyond SMITE’s 8th PvE round in the charity challenge

With the SMITE PvE charity challenge coming to an end next week, MassivelyOP's MJ and the MOP team want to climb up the leaderboard...

The Daily Grind: How long should the MMORPG genre’s hardest raids take to beat?

This week, after World of Warcraft: Legion's mythic Emerald Nightmare raid launched, a Russian hardcore guild called Exorsus had the raid cleared within 18...

Revelation Online boasts several PvP modes

Revelation Online might be sporting a robust PvE game, but what about it's PvP offerings? For those itching for some player-on-player combat, this upcoming...

Hyperspace Beacon: Five things BioWare needs to do to keep SWTOR players around

I write a lot of words about Star Wars: The Old Republic. And over this last year, the Knights of the Fallen Empire has...
Still not cool, though.

Blizzard clarifies World of Warcraft quests that can’t be cleared in LFR

The World of Warcraft community was in a bit of a tizzy yesterday when it collectively discovered that you couldn't complete a quest chain...

Battleheart 2 announced, will come with four-player co-op

Mika Mobile is returning to the series that made it a star in the mobile games industry, as it announced yesterday that it has...
Do you ever feel like we, as a group, are collectively trying too hard?

You can’t get raid quest items from LFR in World of Warcraft: Legion

The lack of a queue option for Mythic dungeons in World of Warcraft hasn't sat well with many people, but it appears that's not...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 84: Rise of Irony

Justin, Eliot, and MJ discuss World of Fishing, WoW, RIFT, ARK, TSW, SWTOR, H&G, FFXIV, Destiny, TERA, DDO, LOTRO, Icarus, and GW2, with mailbag letters on MMO swag and art styles.
Sadly, I was hoping for actual trains.

Allods Online introduces battle training with its next patch

You don't have a permanent Arena team or the most solid possible grasp of raid mechanics in Allods Online. That's not pleasant, is it?...
Ain't no school like the old school.

World of Warcraft: Legion opens up more Emerald Nightmare options today

Do you want to be the very best, like no one was before? Then you'll probably want to take on the Mythic difficulty in...

Guild Chat: Solving more officer conflicts in MMO guilds

Welcome along to another loaded edition of Guild Chat, the place where guildies in need of some solid advice can pose a query and...

One Shots: Pining for the icy fjords

Isn't it really disturbing when you're playing one game and it completely reminds you of another title? Our brains make so many bizarre connections that...

Get in the know with Osiris: New Dawn’s Steam FAQ

With Osiris: New Dawn's Steam release just days away, Fenix Fire has posted a FAQ to let players know what they can expect when...

Global Chat: Is casual raiding in MMORPGs an oxymoron?

Do you scoff, chortle, or sneer when you hear the phrase "casual raiding" among the MMO community? You might be laughing at your own ignorance...
This is less annoying, sure.

WoW Factor: The state of WoW’s dungeons and how we got here

I've still been having a blast in Legion over the past few weeks. Nithogg might have been unkind to me by offering me no...

Destiny’s newest raid goes live tomorrow

Destiny's players might be storming through Rise of Iron this week, but their journey is far from over. Bungie is preparing to turn on...

EverQuesting: Looking ahead to EverQuest II’s Kunark Ascending expansion

I love fall. Fall is the best season. It has the best holiday, changing leaves, and awesome weather. Fall also means that EverQuest II's...
The joke here is that the dungeons for this game were miserable slogs.

WildStar is bringing lockboxes to raids

If you've played WildStar and lamented the fact that there just aren't enough places to get lockboxes in the game right now, you'll be...