
RvR stands for “realm vs. realm,” usually a reference to faction-based player-vs.-player warfare, and frequently (though not always) in the context of more than two realms.

Warframe maps out Weekend Wars, teases new Hildryn and Wisp ‘frames

Move over, Valentine's Day, a bigger event is on in Warframe: the Weekend War, in celebration of the game's sixth anniversary. Since beta. Because...

Camelot Unchained builds out Mages and clarifies how many people battlefields will host

Not even the Seattle snows this past weekend could put a damper on Camelot Unchained. As its latest dev letter notes, City State's multi-city...

The MOP Up: Warframe brings Fortuna to Nintendo Switch

Are you jamming with Warframe on the Switch? If so, then this past week you had an extra reason to jam hard, as Digital...

Global Chat: Anthem makes first contact with gamers

The game on everyone's mind this month definitely has to be BioWare's Anthem. The studio's first new IP in a long time is a...

One Shots: Diet lightsabers

I think it's about high time we got a Star Wars game in which lightsabers functioned properly as instruments that could melt or slice...
Tiptoe through the something-or-other.

Crowfall delays sanctioned campaign, introduces new competitive campaigns

Crowfall's big news this week is either good or bad depending on your view: ArtCraft announced another delay in its testing phase, albeit a...

Interview: Black Desert’s Pearl Abyss on battle royale design, metrics, cron stones, and future content

Black Desert has had a wild ride over the last year, as has its home studio, Pearl Abyss. Not only did PA pick up...

Hands-on with Amazon’s New World sandbox – and its distinctively MMO mechanics

Can a survival sandbox game be an MMORPG? Until recently, the answer has been pretty much a big nope. Mostly that's because the game...

Dark Age of Camelot bribes players to stop switching sides

It's time to head back to Camelot! No, not that one -- the original Mythic creation. Listen, if you arrive in the Middle Ages...

Hyperspace Beacon: The tale of Ood Bnar and his place in SWTOR

If you've not watched the "Choose My Alignment" livestreams that MJ and I have been doing over the last couple of years, then you've...

Perfect Ten: Hit franchises that were almost made into MMORPGs

For my money, there are few more tantalizing and agonizing thoughts than the great "What Ifs?" of the MMO genre. What if one title...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 207: Bunny girls throughout Eorzea

Justin and Bree discuss Final Fantasy XIV, Guild Wars 2, Legends of Aria, RuneScape, Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, and Warframe, with mailbag topics on MMO endgames and battle royale modes in MMOs.

Elder Scrolls Online is celebrating Morrowind with special drops and sales

Antsy for the launch of Wrathstone? Elder Scrolls Online has an idea: send ya back to Morrowind! No really, it's all part of the...

Camelot Unchained surpasses last week’s test, putting nearly 3500 bots and humans on a battlefield

Were you impressed by Camelot Unchained's news last week that it had managed to successfully put nearly 3000 humans and human-like bots (ARCs, autonomous...

The Daily Grind: How bad are delays for MMOs, and how much does communication help?

Last week, a newly minted Ship of Heroes fan posted a comment on the game's official forums saying he'd studied in-development MMOs and settled...

The MOP Up: FFXIV tickles the ivories

One of the best (of many) features in Final Fantasy XIV is its amazing soundtrack. And just when you think you've heard it all,...
It's not quite so much of a model after all.

Camelot Unchained’s newsletter looks at the small parts building larger things

If there's one theme to the latest Camelot Unchained newsletter (and as always, it's a lengthy newsletter), it's the reality that there are lots of...

Skyforge plans Valentine’s Day event, delays new planet to March

It's been a hot minute since we covered Skyforge, but My.com's MMORPG is still zooming along in the wake of its bard class launch...

Camelot Unchained’s latest battlefield test included nearly 3000 players and bots, surpassing Kickstarter promise

Camelot Unchained's beta has gotten a bit wider this week with the addition of more backers into the testing phase. It's still beta one;...
Here comes trouble.

Wisdom of Nym: Analyzing and overthinking Final Fantasy XIV’s 4.5 revelations

I wonder if we're actually going to find out our destination for the next expansion in February. Remember, we still don't actually know where...