
Sandboxes are a type of MMO that emphasize player freedom and expression. They frequently include mechanics for building, crafting, trading, character customization and development, roleplaying, destruction, and significant interaction with the world and other players. A sandbox that is dominated by an open-PvP or free-for-all ruleset is sometimes pejoratively called a gankbox. Contrast with the themepark.

Prepare for bear.

Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley, and plugin nerfs are live in WoW Classic

It may be too late for the WoW Classic folks who've already abandoned ship - or at least their PvP servers - but battlegrounds...

EVE Online’s ‘free market’ patch – and new gambling system – are live

Today's EVE Online update is a juicy one for players who dip into the economic corner of the game, and let's be honest, everyone...

Corepunk is a new top-down Dutch game with all the MMORPG trappings

Who wanted a new MMORPG for Christmas? Well, Corepunk isn't getting here in time for this Christmas, but it's now been officially announced to...

The Daily Grind: How much do you mind loading screens in MMOs?

Maybe I'm showing my old-school nature here, but loading screens don't bother me all that much. I cut my MMO teeth on games like...

RuneScape prepares to release smooth movement this week while OSRS experiences connection issues

This coming week in RuneScape is going to be smooth. Smooth like a nitro beer. Smooth like room temperature butter. Smooth like a shimmering...

MapleStory 2’s Kritias expansion brings a new level cap, new area, and new dungeons

If you've been getting your news about MapleStory 2 exclusively from its website or even its official forums, you're evidently out of the loop...

Kickstarted survival sandbox Day of Dragons’ early access launch is bogged down by drama

Remember the tussle over in-dev MMO Oath a while back? A sub-contractor for the game accused the developer of screwing with 'em, it hit...

Black Desert’s Pearl Abyss addresses new succession skills, the Red Battlefield, and more

The devs of Black Desert have been busy collecting gobs of player questions, and now they have a number of them answered, which not...

Warframe shows off Empyrean gameplay as iDreamsky contemplates buying Leyou

Warframe is one of those game that just doesn't like to have things spread out when it comes to announcements. Much like RuneScape, it...

You can start downloading Black Desert Mobile right now ahead of this week’s launch

Don't get too excited yet as it's not officially playable in the US just yet, but Black Desert Mobile is now available for preloading...

The MOP Up: Mortal Online’s meaning of Christmas

What is Christmas like in a brutal and bloody sandbox MMORPG? To answer that, you'll need to head to Mortal Online for a first-hand...

Global Chat: Crafting is just the worst, Britta!

Advance warning: If you like crafting in MMOs, then you best not read the latest post from Contains Moderate Peril, who is not quite...

ArcheAge brings the ArchePass Compensation Box back after the ArchePass fails to launch a second time

There just doesn't seem to be any winning with ArcheAge Unchained and its ever-bellyflopping ArchePass. Readers will recall that it attempted to relaunch this...
There are lots of different defintions of penalty.

Ultima Online’s Jolly Roger update is officially live this week

Here we go: Ultima Online's last major update of 2019 is now upon us as the Jolly Roger has officially set sail on the...

Creature survival sandbox Day of Dragons flaps its way into early access

Have you ever found yourself the khaleesi of an exotic nation and, somehow, misplaced your dragons? You could throw beautiful temper tantrums about it...

Star Citizen takes a closer look at wormhole creation and the planet microTech

CitizenCon had a number of reveals for Star Citizen players, but not many of them were quite as dramatic as the trip into a...

The Repopulation’s new tutorial area is expected to arrive with December’s patch

Getting started in a sandbox like The Repopulation always seems to be the hardest landing to stick. I should know; I've played more than...
Sitting around.

Crowfall’s J. Todd Coleman looks back at past progress and ahead to 2020 milestones

As we close out 2019, we all tend to get the urge to look back at past accomplishments and feel proud, even if they...

ArcheAge Unchained’s ArchePass is back as XLGAMES reveals the next mega patch [Update: Aaaaaand it’s gone again]

You know what I would love to not have to type anymore? The word "ArchePass." The loyalty system that launched with ArcheAge's Unchained version...
Well, I guess.

Fans are invited to a real-world memorial for Brad McQuaid later this month

MMORPG fans have been in mourning for the last few weeks following the death of Brad McQuaid, one of the most popular veteran developers...