
Hyperspace Beacon: The sexual harassment problem in SWTOR

As most of our readers probably know, I consider myself a member of the roleplay community in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have been...
Star Citizen

Star Citizen followers react to server capacity, star system count news

Another day, another Star Citizen drama. German website Gamestar published an interview with Cloud Imperium Games this week, and between the paywall, Google translate, deliberate...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 127: EVE walks no more

Justin and Bree discuss Secret World Legends, LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, EVE, SWTOR, Black Desert, Albion, and Citadel, plus a mailbag question on class and character investment in MMORPGs, with a special interview segment featuring ARK: Survival Evolved composer Gareth Coker.
Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous’ David Braben on communities, MMOs, F2P, and the space game genre

Elite Dangerous' David Braben has a big spread in Rolling Stone's Glixel blog this week, and it's a fun read as he zips around...

Star Trek Online patches in Season 13.5 today

Soon, Star Trek Online will be heading to the next big Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, with big announcements for the future of...
Oh, thanks.

RIFT brings on a new community manager

ArcheAge isn't the only game at Trion Worlds that's shuffling around its community team these days. RIFT announced last Friday that it brought on board...

The MOP Up: Crash Force offers arena fun at a discount (July 16, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Man of Tungsten

Look there! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... Mysecretid! Who among us hasn't played a video game at some point and...
Yes, money.

How to find the right MMORPG as a couple

People seemed to quite like my piece last week about how my wife and I wound up married in no small part due to...

Massively Overthinking: Consumer protections in the MMORPG industry

Veteran Massively OP reader Miol says he's exhausted by a recent string of stories in which MMO companies screw gamers over, one after another:...

Star Citizen’s derelict ships offer dangerous excitement, plus new Lost & Found cinematic

Is it possible for one game to think of every little detail in a fictional universe? Star Citizen's various teams are certainly trying to...
Here in the open air!

Here’s how magic in Citadel: Forged With Fire will work

This morning, we wrote about a new "massive online sandbox RPG," Citadel: Forged With Fire, built by Slender devhouse Blue Isle Studios and expected to...
So who has money?

You can pre-load Destiny 2 right now on consoles — if you’ve paid money for the privilege

Console players could find themselves very busy this July if they've landed a spot in the Destiny 2 beta. Early access for the test...

EVE Online is killing off the last remnants of walking in stations

Hey remember EVE Online's walking in stations, the talk of the genre a decade ago? Remember when all we really got was a captain's...
Yeah, it doesn't say anything good.

Could Blizzard be working on offline modes for its games?

Imagine one day sitting down at your computer, firing up the Blizzard launcher, and choosing to play World of Warcraft or Diablo III... offline....

Citadel: Forged With Fire is a brand-new ‘massive online sandbox RPG’ debuting this month

Well well, lookie what popped up on Steam: It's a new "massive online sandbox RPG," Citadel: Forged With Fire, and it came out of...

Atlas Reactor adds a hula-hooping catgirl to its crazy roster

Hula-hoops and cats -- they go together like cats and anything else that cats aren't especially known to do. But somehow Atlas Reactor is...

The Stream Team: Diving into SWTOR’s new Manaan stronghold

SWTOR just introduced a new stronghold, and this one will help Massively OP's Larry and MJ cool off a bit in the summer heat....

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic’s mid-term report card

You would probably expect me to cover the new Star Wars: The Old Republic Manaan stronghold because it just released yesterday, and indeed, I will be...

SuperData predicts up to 5M Destiny 2 digital sales in its first quarter

How big is Destiny 2 going to be? Really big, SuperData predicts. The gaming analysis firm claims that "by analyzing historical data and ...