
Harry Potter lookalike Maguss Wand plans Indiegogo for AR MMO

Augmented reality MMOs aren't new, but we're about to see a bunch of new ones, propelled by the unexpected success of Pokemon Go. Case in...

One Shots: Pining for the icy fjords

Isn't it really disturbing when you're playing one game and it completely reminds you of another title? Our brains make so many bizarre connections that...

Global Chat: Is casual raiding in MMORPGs an oxymoron?

Do you scoff, chortle, or sneer when you hear the phrase "casual raiding" among the MMO community? You might be laughing at your own ignorance...
Well, I guess it's cool.

Here are the mounts coming in Riders of Icarus’ next update

Riders of Icarus is a game that's all about riding things. Really, it's right there in the title; it's not called "Walkers of Icarus"...

Storm King’s Thunder breaches Neverwinter’s console versions October 18

Console players, do you ever watch updates go live for Neverwinter's PC players and stare wistfully as they rush off to play the new shiny...

Marvel Heroes adds Quake, Ghost Rider team-ups; Mark Rubin joins Gazillion

Did you catch the premiere of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. last night? Are you kind of wishing you could see more of the characters...

Final Fantasy XIV previews the end of Alexander and the second Warring Triad battle

The story of the journey through Alexander in Final Fantasy XIV has involved a fair amount of mucking about with time, but it's time...

ECO’s ecosystem will release October 5th

Total War: ArenaAn ecosystem is coming to ECO! Though if you consider the survival sandbox's name, that probably doesn't come as much of a surprise....

Blade & Soul’s Ebondrake Citadel dungeon launches October 5

Hack-n-slashers, ready your swords: Blade & Soul's Ebondrake Citadel launches October 5th, which is great timing for Halloween since the update is spooky indeed. NCsoft...

Hero’s Song updates Indiegogo backers on funding, AI, and Steam

Hero's Song's Indiegogo update today reveals how far the game has come, both in terms of its finances and its design. "We're hard at work...

Get your first glimpse of Age of Wushu 2

There's great curiosity and very little actual information concerning the upcoming Age of Wushu 2. Other than a few scraps of information, fans of...

We stormed AdventureQuest 3D’s upcoming Shadowskull Tower (and lived to talk about it)

What is it like to spend an hour in AdventureQuest 3D with Adam Bohn, aka Artix, the CEO/Founder/Paladin of Artix Entertainment? Pretty darn fun...

Chronicles of Elyria teases online store, taiga biome

Chronicles of Elyria's weekly update to Kickstarter watchers is brief, but it heralds the 2.1 release of the website, which now includes a private...

Shroud of the Avatar teases Halloween content, Estgard, and SOTAcon

Shroud of the Avatar has the honor of being one of the first MMORPGs to tease Halloween content this year, meaning it's only about...

One Shots: Overcompensating

Holy moley, the Massively OP community came out in force to respond to last week's "giant weapon" screenshot challenge. Most comments that I've seen...
Murlocs, naturally.

Here are the virtual goodies BlizzCon attendees will take home in November

If you're headed to BlizzCon this year -- virtually or in the flesh -- you're surely anticipating the swag, much of which comes in...

Ascent: The Space Game’s got a new trailer, ‘and it’s not hideous!’

"Throw away your old screenshots! We've got a new video!" Ascent: The Space Game's James Hicks declared in note to press this week. "And...

Paladins hits open beta on Steam today – pick up a Cassie key from Hi-Rez and MOP

It's official: Hi-Rez's shooter hybrid Paladins is leaping into open beta on Steam today, complete with Steam achievements! "Some of the newest features of the Paladins...

Nexon’s mobile ARPG Oz: Broken Kingdom has launched

The nifty thing about famous IPs partly in the public domain is all the variations different authors can create with it. Case in point:...
And nobody knows you're getting it right.

Final Fantasy XIV previews apartments and its side stories for 3.4

The housing system in Final Fantasy XIV is appreciably robust... if you can actually get a house. Otherwise, it's somewhat lacking. Luckily, the upcoming...