
Nexon announces new crossplatform multiplayer shooter Rocket Arena, with closed beta in May

So this Nexon game came a bit out of nowhere this week: It's called Rocket Arena, and it's essentially a slick multiplayer shooter with...

Elite: Dangerous player finds a program that lets you hack every aspect of your ship

Cheating is bad behavior, but doing it in a sandbox MMO is several orders of magnitude worse. While Elite: Dangerous has certainly done its...

ReWorld Online shares screenshots of new biome types

The folks at ReWorld Online have offered up yet another series of biome shots from the MMORPG's development like it usually does every week,...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s War Eternal

After playing through Guild Wars 2's new Living World episode, War Eternal, which is live today, I am still speechless. This is, in my...

One Shots: What am I looking at here, exactly?

I guess I was asking for pure nightmare fuel when I issued a challenge last week to create the most disturbing and deformed avatars...

Ashes of Creation previews its adorable hippogryph mounts

Hippos! No, not actual hippos, although that would be awesome: hippogryphs, that bizarre fantastic creature of legend that's basically a cross between a horse...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR takes us to Dantooine for the fifth time in a video game

My very first memory of Dantooine was surprisingly its first real appearance in a video game at all. Star Wars Galaxies imagined Dantooine as...

TERA just launched a new companion system for Skywatch

TERA's seventh anniversary celebrations roll onward, this week with a big bonus: a content patch specifically adding a new companion system to the game's...

Black Desert teases Underwater Ruins expansion on PC, updates with Valencia expansion on Xbox One

Aquaphobic folks would do well to avoid Black Desert's upcoming content rollout. But for everyone else, the Underwater Ruins expansion approaches on May 22nd....

ReWorld divides into two games, shows off in-development biomes

It's time to check back in with ReWorld Online, the customizable MMORPG that players such as yourself will be able to fashion into a...

City of Heroes’ Homecoming rogue servers will offer character transfers after all

The business of saving City of Heroes has now stretched on three weeks since our first article, but it hasn't slowed down a bit. Over...

One Shots: A view to a kill

Considering which side of our characters we look at the most, it bewilders me how little customization that MMO designers give to the back...

The Daily Grind: Do you listen to the music of long-dead MMORPGs?

When an MMORPG reaches the end of its operational life (for whatever reason), there are few things that remain following that final day. We...

Enter to win a Neverwinter Cloak of the Vine in honor of Undermountain’s PC launch!

To celebrate the launch of Undermountain for Neverwinter on PC last week, PWE has kindly given Massively OP 100 cloak keys to give away to our readers! The Cloak of...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends rogue server teases upcoming Cloud City and Bespin content

Back in February, we covered Star Wars Galaxies Legends' intent to include Bespin - that'd be the gas giant where Lando's Cloud City is...

One Shots: Cruising in the Batmobile

Nothing gives me genre whiplash more than seeing technology that's vastly more advanced from anything in our world existing alongside of an otherwise-medieval realm....

Star Citizen swaps Around the Verse for Inside Star Citizen as it deep dives its own Cloud City

Around the Verse is back this week for Star Citizen fans, although it's gotten a bit of an overhaul: It's now called Inside Star...

Following Elite Dangerous’ messy April update, Frontier rolled back drag munitions changes

So the big Elite Dangerous update for April didn't exactly go to plan. Following the rollout earlier this week, Redditors put up a bug...

Today’s Fallout 76 Wild Appalachia Patch 8.5 introduces a camera, repair kits, and new complaints from fans

In its on-going rollout of Wild Appalachia, Fallout 76 brings update 8.5 to players, which features the ProSnap Deluxe Camera, basic and improved repair...

Neverwinter has officially launched the Undermountain expansion for PC players

It's expansion day for Perfect World's Neverwinter! At least if you're on PC, that is; console players will be waiting until June 11th for...