silverhelm studios

Indie studio known for Valiance Online.

Valiance Online, still gunning for launch this year, drops a brand-new flythrough video

Let's not sugarcoat this: Valiance Online has almost been crowded out of players' vision when it comes to the City of Heroes spiritual successors....

Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding news of 2019

Welcome to a special edition of Make My MMO, Massively OP's weekly and sometimes biweekly recap of the big news in crowdfunded MMOs. Hey, you...

Into the Super-verse: 13 text-based superhero MMOs you can play today

As part of this column covering superhero MMORPGs, we have looked at the usual suspects: MMOs of the past (Champions Online, City of Heroes,...

Into the Super-verse: Catching up with Valiance Online

So far in the Into the Super-verse column space, we have touched base with two of the three upcoming City of Heroes spiritual successors:...
We all live on a ship of heroes

Into the Super-verse: How Ship of Heroes is winning the superhero race

When it came to the explosion of spiritual successors to City of Heroes, there's definitely something to be said about being first on the...
Trash pandas.

The MOP Up: H1Z1’s huge PlayStation 4 update

Do you remember when H1Z1 used to be about surviving the zombie apocalypse? Yeah, me neither. In any case, gear up and slide behind...

City of Titans previews its evolving UI, Valiance Online teases building updates

Got superhero MMOs on the brain? Me too for some strange reason lately. Welp, feast your eyes on two updates from a pair of...

Into the Super-verse: Getting to know City of Heroes all over again

It has been well over a decade since I played City of Heroes with any regularity, and yet when I saw that familiar loading...

City of Titans slips on some spandex while Valiance Online gets combative

While the Valiance Online team continues to be quiet on its website, behind the scenes work is progressing on the superhero MMORPG. At the...

Valiance Online’s latest alpha patch touches on characters, animations, and interior procedural generation

We're having a superhero MMO moment here, folks. Last week, Valiance Online teased something big happening, and now we know what it is: an...

Perfect Ten: MMOs that set themselves up as spiritual successors

As with the larger video game market, sequels aren't unknown in the MMO space. We've seen studios take a stab at following up successful...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: MMOs that let you feel superheroic

So, hey, Captain Marvel is out now! And I'm writing this before having actually seen it, so I can't say word one about whether...
Rebuild. Rise.

The Daily Grind: What will your next MMO superhero be?

With the next wave of several superhero MMORPGs on the way (Valiance Online, City of Titans, SEGS, and Ship of Heroes), two games currently running...
How near, how far.

After a month of quiet work, Valiance Online updates fans on internal progress

A while back, Valiance Online made a thread on its official forum to keep fans up to date on the internal progress for the game;...

Massively Overthinking: The boring MMO development between bookends of hype

If you watch MMOs being developed for long enough, one truth becomes evident: It's kinda boring. I started thinking a bit about this last week...

Perfect Ten: MMOs to watch in 2019

The MMO genre is in a strange and uncertain place right now -- but also one that is quietly thrilling. We've long passed the...

Valiance Online recaps progress on environments and icons, promises a ‘long read’ on the way

Remember earlier in November when Valiance Online company Silverhelm Studios promised it would increase its communication with its community with biweekly updates on the...

Valiance Online promises bi-weekly news updates going forward

With the first phase of its crowdfunding campaign a success, Valiance Online looks ahead to the next steps for this superhero MMORPG. The creation...
We got it back, after all.

The Game Archaeologist: The Death of City of Heroes

August 31st, 2012, was a Friday like any other. City of Heroes players were psyched for the upcoming Issue 24, which Paragon Studios had...

City of Titans teases its City of Heroes-inspired aura system

It's feeling like superhero week here - Champions Online turning nine, Valiance Online revving up, and now we've got a sneak peek of City...