
Official Site: Skyforge
Studio: Allods Team/
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Sci-Fantasy Hybrid
Business Model: N/A
Platform: PC

The MOP Up: TERA and PUBG combine unholy forces

TERA sent out a press release this week confirming the end of the world: "Finally, the dream collaboration between TERA and PUBG is real!...
Love is in the bear.

Yet more MMO Valentine’s Day events: AdventureQuest 3D, Defiance 2050, Skyforge, and Chronicles of Elyria

Love is in the air everywhere you look around. And what better way to celebrate love than through an event in a game centered...

The MOP Up: FFXIV tickles the ivories

One of the best (of many) features in Final Fantasy XIV is its amazing soundtrack. And just when you think you've heard it all,...

Enter to win a Skyforge Cold Flame quickplay code from and MOP

Skyforge publisher is kicking off 2019 by granting Massively OP 200 Cold Flame quickplay codes to distribute to our readers! Each key unlocks for...

Skyforge plans Valentine’s Day event, delays new planet to March

It's been a hot minute since we covered Skyforge, but's MMORPG is still zooming along in the wake of its bard class launch...
Work that soul, yo

The MOP Up: SoulWorker introduces Chii Aruel

There's a new character on the horizon for SoulWorker, and her name is Chii Aruel. The studio hasn't said much about her just yet, but...

Black Desert’s battle royale mode, Shadow Arena, hits early access for current players today

Black Desert is formally hopping on the battle royale bandwagon this week with the "early access" release of Shadow Arena today. How does a...
If this went away, I would be pissed.

The Daily Grind: What was the worst MMO trend of 2018?

Last week, as part of MOP's 2018 awards rollout, we asked you about the best trend of the year for our genre. We were...

Skyforge rocks out with the new Soundweaver class in its Distant Frequencies update

Earlier this week,'s free-to-play sci-fi MMO Skyforge released its latest major content update, Distant Frequencies, which introduces the new Soundweaver class and sends...

Skyforge gets a bard class in December’s Distant Frequencies update, teases ‘interstellar campaign’ for 2019

OK, Skyforge. You're getting a bard class. You have my attention! announced the MMORPG's next expansion, dubbed Distant Frequencies, and it includes the...

The MOP Up: Pagan Online slams ARPGs and MOBAs together

Tack this on your list of action-RPGs to watch. Mad Head Games announced that it is developing a blend of ARPG and MOBA with...

Perfect Ten: Compliments to MMOs I don’t play

Back in September, Bree posed a Daily Grind question that I thought was genuinely intriguing. You know, for once. Just kidding, Bree! She asked...
Oh, cool.

Skyforge outlines its plans for the next quarter, centering around deities in space

The lore of Skyforge has always been concerned with space. Lots of beings travel to the world of Aelion from deep space and proceed...
Oh, well this is fine.

Betawatch: Fortnite begins true Android open beta

Fortnite rolled into a true open beta for Android this week, allowing everyone a chance to get in there and die on a phone,...
Launch or do not, folks.

Skyforge launches into open beta in Japan on October 11

If there's one thing Japanese people like, it's science fantasy action RPGs. (If there are two things, the other one is not having kids.)...
Invasion central up ins

Skyforge opens up a demon invasion right after its last invasion

It's been mentioned before, but it bears repeating that the world of Skyforge (Aelion, if you'd forgotten) is apparently Invasion Central. There's always another...
Oh, great, cool.

Skyforge: Battle Royale has arrived

Good news for people who have longed for MMOs to carry a bit more of that battle royale goodness, as Skyforge has officially launched...

Mortal Online sandbox MMO devs try battle royale with Mortal Royale

Trove, Skyforge, and now Mortal Online - it's a weird batch of MMORPGs whose devs are getting into the battle royale scene, but there...

Ashes of Creation addresses concerns, localization, pay-to-win, publishing, and regionlocks

Earlier this week, the Ashes of Creation team sparked a wildfire of concern when it announced that it'll partner with to publish the...

Skyforge outlines the mechanics of its new Battle Royale mode

We've gone through the glut of games being released as battle royale titles, but why stop there when we could make existing games into...