Justin and Bree discuss April Fools' Day, Neverwinter on Xbone, EverQuest II, SWG's NGE, Trove, Star Trek Online, WildStar, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on Guild Wars 2 leveling and the VR trend.
Cryptic has announced an in-game event called Delta Recruitment for Star Trek Online. It starts April 2nd, and it involves progression-based rewards "including gear,...
Justin, Bree, and Eliot discuss Guild Wars 2's press event, Star Trek Online's Nimoy tribute, Crowfall, Skyforge beta, World of Warcraft 6.1, Ultima Online's inbound expansion, and Final Fantasy XIV, with mailbag questions on newbies in The Secret World and LEGO MMOs.
Saddened by the passing of Star Trek legend Leonard Nimoy this morning, players of Cryptic Studios' Star Trek Online MMORPG have petitioned the game's creators...