Into the Super-verse: A quick-and-dirty guide to picking the right City of Heroes archetype – Blueside edition
What's amazing about the unexpected City of Heroes revival (and does that ever feel good to type) isn't just that old players are eager to go...
The Stream Team: MassivelyOP takes on City of Heroes!
You've heard many a MOPster talking about City of Heroes -- just not Massively OP's MJ. Well now you can watch a bunch of...
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen offers a closer look at the Enchanter class, posts June newsletter
When Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen goes live, I suspect the Enchanter class is the one I would gravitate toward. Its primary functions are...
Perfect Ten: The most poorly managed MMO sunsets of all time
MMOs shut down. This is just kind of a reality. It's an unpleasant one, but we also are collectively aware that it happens and...
The Daily Grind: What are you going to roll in WoW Classic?
I swear that we are all of us caught in a time loop right now. It's not 2019, it's really just 2004, when City...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 225: The slash and burn of Amazon Game Studios
Justin and Bree discuss E3, Black Desert, Warframe, Last Oasis, Amazon, New World, Ship of Heroes, SWG Legends, LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, with mailbag questions on monetizing character costuming and beating bad launch dead horses.
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offers the best systems for helping newbies?
A while back I saw a deeply underrated post on the MMORPG subreddit about mentoring systems. I don't mean the kind of systems like...
One Shots: Deep diving
Can't say that I approve of the flagrant disregard for deep diving safety protocols that are on display in our spotlight picture from Final...
The Daily Grind: What is your favorite MMO enemy faction and why?
One of the more bits of brilliant design in City of Heroes is that there is such a diverse and distinct array of enemy...
City of Titans drapes buildings with banners and players with capes
In a superhero MMO, what's more important to dress: characters or buildings? The answer is, obviously, both, which is why City of Titans' art...
Ship of Heroes says it plans ‘to top the City of Heroes character creator’
This week, Heroic Games' Casey McGeever hit the Ship of Heroes forums to discuss some of the content already in the game - and...
The Daily Grind: Do you have a technique for coming up with MMO character names?
My husband doesn't really take MMO names too seriously. The pigtailed City of Heroes toon floating in the image up above? Yeah, her name...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 224: Black Desert, Bless Online, and boats
Carlo, Bree, and Justin discuss Black Desert, Bless, Phantasy Star Online 2, E3, LOTRO, SWTOR, GW2, POE, City of Heroes, and boats.
City of Titans previews its evolving UI, Valiance Online teases building updates
Got superhero MMOs on the brain? Me too for some strange reason lately. Welp, feast your eyes on two updates from a pair of...
One Shots: Prime real estate
The rich elite enjoy their luxurious mansions located on scenic shores, remote islands, or exclusive metropolis neighborhoods. But the rich elite with connections to...
One of City of Heroes’ rogue servers, Reborn/Pleiades, was just shut down by its operator
Bad news for a sliver of the the City of Heroes rogue server community tonight: The Reddit-backed Reborn server known as Pleiades has apparently...
Into the Super-verse: Why didn’t Champions Online do better?
A while back I was flipping through the backlog of my personal gaming blog, looking at the history of my gaming trends, particularly in...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 223: Starbase Adrift
Justin and Bree discuss Worlds Adrift's sunset, ESO Elsweyr's launch, Starbase, FFXIV Shadowbringers, and City of Heroes, with mail on old episodes and WoW Classic blowback.
The Daily Grind: How likely are you to abandon and reroll your MMORPG characters?
With City of Heroes back in my MMO rotation thanks to the multiple rogue servers floating around right now, I've been back in full...
Massively Uplifting: Supporting St. Jude Children’s Hospital and PRIDE month
April showers bring May flowers, but big-hearted gamers bring forth good deeds any month of the year! And May was no different. Generosity with...