
See: Star Wars: The Old Republic

The Stream Team: Jedi and jumping puzzles in SWTOR

What do you do when you finish all the main storyline of SWTOR? If you thought celebrate, you'd be wrong. Massively OP's Larry has...

Star Wars: The Old Republic battles the mother of all bugs next week

Even in a galaxy far, far away, pest control is an issue. Of course, this being Star Wars: The Old Republic, those pests are...

Hyperspace Beacon: The tale of Ood Bnar and his place in SWTOR

If you've not watched the "Choose My Alignment" livestreams that MJ and I have been doing over the last couple of years, then you've...

SWTOR avoids a formal 2019 roadmap but gives a peek at what’s to come

Star Wars: The Old Republic fans eager to hear a detailed roadmap for the game's 2019 run are bound to be disappointed by BioWare's...

The MOP Up: FFXIV tickles the ivories

One of the best (of many) features in Final Fantasy XIV is its amazing soundtrack. And just when you think you've heard it all,...

Storyboard: Can you diverge from lore in MMORPG roleplaying?

All right, this is new for me because most of my titles do not contain dirty lies right in the question used to kick...

Vague Patch Notes: How to recognize MMO lies from quite a long way away

One of the most consistently weird elements of covering MMOs is that there's a very simple and yet incredibly odd metric of knowing if...

One Shots: Party on, Garth!

What makes for a really smashing party in an MMO? You can throw all of the prizes, pretend food, and decorations at the wall,...
They're not attractive spaceships.

Massively Overthinking: Why aren’t you playing the MMO most like your favorite sunsetted game?

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from reader Smuggler-in-a-YT. "Star Wars Galaxies had its problems, but the sense of community, purpose, and story (through...

The Stream Team: Libraries and lightsabers in SWTOR

Were you stumped by that Easter egg Massively OP's Larry showed at the end of the last episode of our SWTOR Choose My Alignment...

Perfect Ten: The worst MMORPG expansions of all time

A great MMO expansion brings so much to the table: fresh excitement for a game, new classes, innovative features, expanded vistas, additional races, and...

Star Wars: The Old Republic fan petition asks for more funding for the game to give it new life

The state of Star Wars: The Old Republic is an odd one. It would seem odd to contend that the game is dying, but as...
In we go.

Global Chat: The big question mark of Anthem

What's the biggest gaming unknown for you going into 2019? For MMO blogger Cary at Virtual Bastion, it's whether or not BioWare is going to...

One Shots: Dream home

Housing wish fulfillment (or lack thereof) was the main theme running through last week's community postings here at One Shots. Where would we like...

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2019

Working in this field has given me something of a sense of how a lot of the industry is going to play out. Take...

A mutated queen awaits Star Wars: The Old Republic players

Think you've discovered everything there is about Ossus in Star Wars: The Old Republic? You're in for a bit of a shock, then, because...
tappa tappa tappa

Storyboard: What makes an MMORPG a good home for roleplaying?

Guess who's back. I gave Star Wars: The Old Republic a lot of grief over the course of 2018 for the fact that its server merges...

The Stream Team: Secret supply drops in SWTOR

After the SWTOR rescue, Massively OP's Larry and MJ learned about an unscheduled, secret supply drop. Is it full of lab toys for Darth...

Co-op ARPG Breach hits early access January 17, with packages live now

Co-op ARPG Breach was meant to hit early access before the end of 2018, and as it turns out, it'll be only a few...

Craig Zinkievich’s Aliens shooter is looking more and more like an MMOFPS after all

A couple of years ago, several key devs who once built MMOs for Cryptic - Craig Zinkievich, Shannon Posniewski, and Matt Highison - announced...