the black death

Official Site: The Black Death

The Black Death team has at least one mystery class up its sleeve

Do you trust Q&A sessions over Plain Jane dev diaries, if only to hear the team field questions that you might like to know?...

The Black Death is working on new professions, skill trees, and the illness system

Indie survival sandbox The Black Death has a dev blog out today apologizing for the delay in its latest test patch, which is expected...

The Daily Grind: Which historical era would make for a compelling MMO?

To tell the truth, the whole concept of The Black Death turns me off. It's not the grim atmosphere but the seeming glee in...

The MOP Up: Project Gorgon’s pig dance party (August 7, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Jazzhands are happening

Betawatch: AdventureQuest 3D steamrolls toward open beta (July 15, 2016)

You know how some titles like to linger in ill-defined test phases forever? AdventureQuest 3D doesn't want to go that route. The game is...
spare monies for a noob

The Black Death’s new update adds in the Beggar and the bounty system

In every game, you run across the person begging for a handout. The player who always asks for gold, armor, runs, items, weapons, and...

The Black Death’s retail trailer is grim and gory

The Black Death sure appears to be running for the title of "Most Grim Survival Sandbox of the Year," particularly after seeing its new...

The MOP Up: Final Fantasy XI expands its wardrobe (July 3, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The MOP Up: Ingress players show love for Orlando (June 26, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Lifeless enters early access today with a fresh trailer

Grim survival sandbox Lifeless officially launches into early access today. The game is published by Green Man Gaming, the same group behind survivalbox The...

The Black Death puts in an early version of crafting

You can better believe that in a survival sandbox game, there's going to be a heapload of crafting. So it will be with The...

Black Death has four disgusting states of infection

First of all, we hope you weren't planning on eating for the rest of today. No? Good. Black Death, the upcoming survival sandbox centered...

The Black Death’s latest patch introduces VOIP, player gold looting

The Black Death's latest patch is a biggun, complete with better guard AI, new NPCs and bosses, traveling merchants, new animals, player gold looting,...

Survival sandbox Lifeless demos PvP, weapons, and grouping

Move over, H1Z1: Green Man Gaming, the company behind medieval survival sandbox The Black Death, is also working on Lifeless, a modern survival sandbox......

The Black Death launches PTS, community site, and new early access patch

When we checked out survival sandbox The Black Death in early access last month, it was as rough as you might expect for a...

Betawatch: WoW Legion is launching in August (April 22, 2016)

This week, Blizzard announced that World of Warcraft's sixth expansion, Legion, will indeed arrive this summer as planned. August 30th is the big day....

The Stream Team: Experiencing The Black Death

With a title like The Black Death, you just know the game is going to be about survival. The real question is, can MassivelyOP's MJ...

The Black Death is now available through Steam early access

It's April 19th, which means it's early access launch day for The Black Death survival sandbox, the only kind of multiplayer game being made anymore....

Betawatch: A perilous siege hits Crowfall (April 15, 2016)

Players of Crowfall are in quite a lot of peril with the arrival of the Siege Perilous testing phase. Or are they assaulting a...

The Black Death devs on permadeath, optimization, and regional accessibility

Ahead of its April 19th early access launch, Green Man Loaded has published a Q&A video for The Black Death. The devs thumb through...