the secret world

Official Site: The Secret World
Studio: Funcom
Launch Date: July 3, 2012
Genre: Modern Horror Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid B2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
See also: Secret World Legends

Seriously, someone needs to turn up the gamma correction in New England.

Choose My Adventure: Challenging currency in Secret World Legends

Here's the thing that I love to point to whenever I talk about this portion of Secret World Legends: New England is really kind...

One Shots: The rat race

At times, I feel like I must be the responsible adult in the MMORPG genre and sit down some of these artists and tell...

The Daily Grind: What did you misunderstand the first time through your MMO?

I have long resigned myself to the fact that no matter how much time I take in my first playthrough of an MMO, I'm...

The Stream Team: Escaping Black Friday in Secret World Legends’ bright Egyptian sands

What's better than fighting mobs in the stores on Black Friday? Almost anything! But Massively OP's MJ chooses to fight her Black Friday mobs...

EverChaosing: Counting my EverQuest II and Secret World Legends blessings

Good things come in three's right? Well this is the third installment of the EverChaosing column, which melds Chaos Theory and EverQuesting together. Why...

All the best MMO sales of Black Friday 2017

Step aside, turkey and fambly rage: It's time to buy stuff. Because we don't already unload our wallets the rest of the year on...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 145: Farewell Marvel Heroes and Master X Master

Justin and Bree discuss the sunsets of Marvel Heroes and Master X Master, NCsoft's and Funcom's quarterly financials, EA's Star Wars Battlefront 2 business model fiasco, and Path of Exile's upcoming expansion, with a mailbag question on slowing down for classic WoW.

The Stream Team: A look at Secret World Legends’ anima allocation

Secret World Legends just released its new anima allocation feature, and Massively OP's MJ is checking it out. Does it really remove the need...
Everything old is not new again, but is instead the same.

Choose My Adventure: It’s all the same in Secret World Legends

I was a bit disappointed to see that last week's poll for Secret World Legends went to the Illuminati. I played the Illuminati my...

Funcom continues its streak of profits thanks to Secret World Legends

The money scene continues to progress generally well for Funcom, which reported a third consecutive quarter during which it made a tidy sum. Funcom...

Secret World Legends drops a hefty quality-of-life update with ‘anima allocation’ system

It may not be season two, but today's update might get Secret World Legends' playerbase excited even so. Update 2.1.4 adds plenty of quality-of-life improvements...

One Shots: The party at the end of all things

Do not be alarmed. Your brain is now under our control, but that is a good thing. You no longer have to worry about the...

The Stream Team: Slipping into Secret World Legends’ Scorched Desert

Bye-bye Blue Mountain, hello Scorched Desert! Massively OP's MJ is finally leaving the (awesome) gloom of Secret World Legends' Solomon Island behind and moving...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 143: BlizzCon strikes back

Justin and Bree discuss BlizzCon, WoW's Battle for Azeroth expansion and legacy servers, Marvel Heroes' drama, the fate of Motiga and Runic, DCUO, WildStar, Kritika, and Wild West Online, with a mailbag question on MMOs that lock classes and races behind paywalls.

Secret World Legends is changing how you use and upgrade talismans

Tired of building up multiple gear sets in Secret World Legends? The winds of change will be whipping through soon. Friday's dev stream introduced...

Chaos Theory: Farewell Samhain, hello Secret World Legends Season 2 hype!

Do I love Halloween? Yes, yes I do. And while the season was in full swing, my mind was fully focused there. This season...
So secretive!

Choose My Adventure: The truth is out there about Secret World Legends

Oh, Secret World Legends. What are you? Are you a Frankensteinian change forced upon an existing beloved game that sucked some of the life...

Secret World Legends teases season two, participates in Extra Life

Saying that revenue from Secret World Legends has "exceeded expectations," Funcom opened up to Venture Beat about what's coming next for the supernatural MMO. "Season...

The Scream Team: Challenge MOP to a Halloween Hide and Shriek duel

It's All Hallows' Eve: A time to spook and scare folks (and probably gorge on candy!). And Massively OP's MJ challenges you to a...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 142: The state of the sci-fi MMO genre

Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR, Destiny 2, RIFT, CCP's studio closures, Warframe, and Star Citizen's CitizenCon, with tidbits on Guild Wars 2, Trove, Secret World Legends, LOTRO, WoW, and BlizzCon, and a mailbag question on the future of traditional MMORPGs.