
Fight deities.

Fiesta Online plans to release its Realm of the Gods expansion on July 28

Ready to climb up to the top of power and fight some deities? Fiesta Online is counting on exactly that with its upcoming Realm...

EverQuest II deploys a multi-faceted patch of fixes

Sometimes you just need to make a boss's stare less smoldering. Other times you need to make sure that a Necromancer's pet is referred...
Sing us a song, you're... a guy.

Temtem added in the Crema Corp offices and the ability to play the piano with its latest patch

There's good reason to be excited about the latest update to Temtem. No, not because there's an official launch date or anything; that still...

Final Fantasy XI adds a new high-end battlefield against a deific dragon

Feel like the fight against Shinryu in Final Fantasy XI is too easy these days with all of the new gear and improvements players...
Carry that water.

Final Fantasy XIV contends with full servers and wait lists for its digital version

It's possible you're tired of hearing about Final Fantasy XIV, but the influx of players the game seems to be getting is pretty notable....

Final Fantasy XIV prepares to Make it Rain and sports a new benchmark and expansion site

So the content for Final Fantasy XIV is going to be light on the ground for the next four months and change. What can...

Final Fantasy XIV posts Endwalker benchmark trailer

Let's be realistic: Anyone who can currently run Final Fantasy XIV is probably going to have no problem running Endwalker when it releases in...

AdventureQuest 3D adds more to the Sandsea Saga while changing up boss rotations

Feel like having some meat between two pieces of bread? The idea might occur to you as you're playing through the content added with...
Big ego.

EVE Online has added an early test version of its Opportunities system for new characters

One of the most basic problems of starting new in EVE Online is simply dealing with the fact that there's a whole lot to...
Oh, hey there.

World of Warcraft deploys hotfixes and plans for improving the zone bonuses of Shards of Domination

Hotfixes! Do you like them? They've arrived in World of Warcraft for patch 9.1. They're hot and they're fixing things. For example, your packaged...

World of Warcraft’s finale for the Sanctum of Domination raid reveals a major character’s fate

We try really hard to avoid spoilers here when we're talking about story stuff on Massively Overpowered. It's possible, for example, that you are...

Final Fantasy XI adds a new high-tier battlefield with its next version update

Bad news for anyone hoping that the next update for Final Fantasy XI would continue the story arc of the ongoing Voracious Resurgence, as...
hurr da burr

The Elder Scrolls Online improves companions and fixes quest issues with its latest patch

Companions in The Elder Scrolls Online aren't perfect yet, but the latest patch for the game shows that the developers are working on making...
Taking life.

Magic Legends turns off microtransaction costs ahead of its October sunset

If you were hopping that the announcement of Magic Legends shutting down this October was some sort of sick joke, we're sorry to inform...
Blurred Worm

Allods Online details the process of hunting a worm on the live servers

The most recent update to Allods Online added a new activity for players to engage in: hunting the giant sandworm Uro-Boros. You might have...
Ah. All right, then.

Atlas adds the Mortarship for besieging islands with its latest patch

Besieging islands in Atlas is a pain, isn't it? Don't you wish you could just load up a boat with really nice ranged cannons...
Oh, yeah, that's titanic.

Frozen Flame adds rams, killable Titans, and new magic with its most recent patch

Here's the bad news about the Titans in Frozen Flame: Their mechanics and loot drops are still very much a work in progress. But...
Should or shouldn't?

Blizzard clarifies that new Legendaries in World of Warcraft’s next patch will have sockets automatically

All right. So here's the situation. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is adding a new socketing system for Shards of Domination starting in patch 9.1,...
It actually ended.

Crowfall posts a recap on its steps ahead to the launch on July 6

Attention, Crowfall fans: The game's beta has ended. Of course, if you bought the game, that's really more like trivia than anything else, as...
Oh, hey there.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has its first major patch, Chains of Domination, available for pre-loading

It feels like it's taken a really, really long time for the first content patch to arrive for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. That would...