
Massively Overthinking: The terrible hot-mess MMOs we have fun in anyway

Every time we cover Hellgate London - and let's be honest, it's a lot since the game comes back from the dead at least...

The Stream Team: So long, SoulWorker

Massively OP's MJ had a first look at SoulWorker, and now she's having a final look. The anime action combat MMO is closing its...

Starbase dates early access for June 17, shows off capital ships, and shares a new roadmap

Back in March, the spaceship building sandbox Starbase said that it would confirm a date for its early access in April and was eyeballing...

Player apartments won’t make SWG Legends’ Cloud City expansion launch next week

With SWG Legends' City in the Clouds expansion just a week away, the player devs have dropped a dev blog (yes, really). And it's...
Oh look,

Vague Patch Notes: The win state of MMOs

So how do you win an MMO? The general consensus is that you don't. The whole point of an MMO that this is an...

Casually Classic: The brilliance of World of Warcraft’s sound design

Can you hear pictures? Well, I bet you heard the banner graphic for today's column because that level-up sound from World of Warcraft is...

The Stream Team: Guild Wars 2 griffon egg hunting in Elon Riverlands

In honor of Guild Wars' anniversary on the 26th, Massively OP's MJ is hopping into its sequel, Guild Wars 2. There, she's halfway though...

Not So Massively Roundup: Valorant’s Breeze, Apex’s Olympus, Runeterra’s expansion, and Jeff

Welcome back to another roundup of news for Not-So-Massively and MMO-adjacent games in the MMORPG orbit! Valorant: Riot's Valorant has rolled out the Breeze map...

The Stream Team: Saying sayonara to Defiance 2050

It's been a long, long time since Massively OP's MJ hopped into Defiance 2050... and today is her last chance! The game, as well...

Perfect Ten: Why I’m a sucker for MMO collector’s editions

If you've ever wondered what kind of naive sucker would plunk down a semi-thick wad of perfectly good cash on an overstuffed MMO collector's...

Dreamworld co-founder’s ex-fiancee calls out Kickstarter fibs but says he’s not intentionally scamming

A couple of weeks back, we covered the impending Kickstarter funding of Dreamworld, a game by a couple of MMORPG industry novices promising the...

The Stream Team: Puzzled to death in SWTOR

With seven combined deaths already on the Death Counter, Massively OP's Larry and MJ have only made it through part of The Shroud's lair...

Neople opens a teaser site for its new game Dungeon and Fighter: Overkill

In a story from the tail end of last year (and in coverage from a year before that), we cast our eyes on Neople's...

EVE Online releases the second half of its industry update, asks players for footage for an anniversary video

It's one part work and one part celebration in this EVE Online news posting. On the work side of things, the second part of...

Swords of Legends Online drops a brand-new lore trailer and concept art

Swords of Legends Online would really like your attention, and it's apparently going to keep pumping out trailers until it has it. Today, Gameforge,...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best way MMOs can improve player retention – other than new content?

Months ago, Gamasutra published a piece about the long-tail of game development - basically, how to keep a video game selling copies and/or attracting...

The Stream Team: Before Blackwood, anything goes in Elder Scrolls Online

After checking out ESO's upcoming Blackwood, Massively OP's MJ can't get all that lava out of her mind.  She just can't focus as she...
Dig it.

RuneScape player’s huge history book goes on sale for charity

The full history of RuneScape, which spans two decades of development and operation, is far more than can fit in any one book. That's...
Ah, boo.

Rise Online is a two-faction MMORPG inspired by Knight Online currently in open alpha

If you were looking for a new MMORPG that's similar to the 2004 title Knight Online but is designed by someone else (and you...

Profane previews its sound design by focusing on a tropical beach biome

While the developing PvP MMO Profane will obviously feature the sounds of fighting between players and the sounds of combat in general, a new...