
The Stream Team: Silly shenanigans in Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box

Life can get too serious, so Massively OP's MJ is getting a dose of silliness in Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box! Bopping around...

RuneScape begins ‘awesome April’ with a week-long boost to gathering skills, welcomes in the final wave of locked accounts

It's time for April to be awesome by RuneScape's reckoning as the MMORPG's latest update has kicked off Skilling Week for players. Between now...

Neverwinter’s Sharandar Soul Keeper episode makes undead elves creep again today

As promised, part two of Neverwinter's three-chunk Sharandar expansion is fully live for PC players. The follow-up to March's Iron Tooth release, today's Soul...

Derek Smart on the dormant Alganon: ‘It will be back. I promise.’

If you think you've endured long server maintenance and downtime on a game, you have nothing on Alganon's playerbase. These loyal adventurers saw their...

Swords of Legends Online showcases the Reaper and Berserker classes

Last week we were pointed in the direction of Swords of Legends Online, a Chinese action MMORPG that made the surprise announcement of its...
Fingerblasting, I guess.

Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.5, Death Unto Dawn, is out today

The date has finally arrived for Final Fantasy XIV to get a new patch. Patch 5.5 is now live on the game's servers, bringing...

Project_N is a new throwback MMO designed by an EverQuest lead game designer

We certainly have no shortages of MMO projects in which fans and developers alike are seeking to return to Ye Olden Dayz of game...

The Stream Team: World of Tanks turns 10 with attack geese and battle castles

Sure, World of Tanks has special coin-earning anniversary missions in the random battles to commemorate its 10th birthday today, but Massively OP's MJ is...

Circuits and Shields is an indie ‘modern gamers MOBA’ heading to Kickstarter

Circuits and Shields came across our desk this weekend: It's an in-development MOBA from novice developer Koza Games, with an elevator pitch promising a "modern...

Whatever happened to Otherland, Guns of Icarus, and Pixel Starships?

Whatever happened to those MMOs you - and we - have forgotten all about? We're going to dig into three of them today. First up,...
Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: Some interesting bits from Final Fantasy XIV’s 5.5 patch notes

Part of me has never been altogether clear on why I am so enthusiastic about seeing the fresh set of patch notes for Final...

Age of Empires IV promises up to 1600 units in eight-player multiplayer during preview

While a great deal of the focus in a recent fan preview for the upcoming RTS Age of Empires IV was about single-player features...
why does this continue

Apple claims it competes with Nintendo and Microsoft, Epic outlines Apple iMessage’s cross-platform blocking

We're still about a month away before the Epic vs. Apple legal fight moves to its May 3rd bench trial, which means we've still...

The MOP Up: Neverwinter’s April Fools dungeon

April Fools Day may be past, but its spirit lives on in Neverwinter! This past week's small patch opened up a mini-dungeon for goofy...

Global Chat: Dealing with Magic Legends

Now that Magic Legends is out, you can best believe that a lot of MMO gamers are checking out Cryptic's latest offering. Among those...

Chronicles of Elyria, now back up to five devs, examines its development achievements and shortcomings

As work on Kingdoms of Elyria (and by extension Chronicles of Elyria, according to claims made by Soulbound Studio CEO Jeromy Walsh) continues to...

The Stream Team: Bring on a Valheim Bonemass boss beatdown

The bosses in Valheim are the measure of story progression; you work your way up the bosses for Odin. Your reward? More dangerous spawns...

The Stream Team: Stepping into AQ3D’s Sandsea desert

AQ3D just opened up the vast Sandsea desert outside of Bastion, and Massively OP's MJ can't want to go explore it -- be it...

Icarus is a session-based PvE co-op survival title on a dangerous Earth-like planet

We've got another PvE-centric co-op survival game on our hands, but this one trades a land of Viking myth for a deadly Earth-like planet...

Elementia is an upcoming classless MMORPG planning a F2P alpha

Polygonal-style MMORPG Elementia popped up on our radar out of nowhere last month, and while it's clearly very early days for the game's development,...