
Ah yes, teamwork.

Final Fantasy XIV launches patch 5.1: Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty

It's patch day once again for Final Fantasy XIV, and if you think that means the game has made tons of things available for players...

Astroneer’s Groundwork update adds pavers to rovers, introduces Halloween goodies

The low-stress survival sandbox of Astroneer seems to be less about colonization or reshaping the worlds you explore so much as... well, exploring them....

Albion Online’s laborer contracts system lets players move their laborers from one place to another

Albion Online's Queen update and its many improvements to the Outlands is looming on the horizon, and that change means players will need to...

Star Citizen is kicking off a free-fly for alpha 3.7 right now

If you've been eyeing Star Citizen's alpha 3.7 incremental patches wondering whether there's enough there there to take a peek, then good news for...

Lost Ark open beta kicks off in Russia and there’s already ways for English-speaking players to hop in

We wholly expect Lost Ark to make its way to our shores soon enough, but that certainly hasn't stopped many from getting ahead of...
Was there a guy? I thought there was a guy.

World of Warcraft Q&A will be hosted by popular YouTubers, but the question format is still unclear

Let's start with the good news: If you're familiar with Taliesin & Evitel, you are also familiar with the pair doing a long-running series...

Blade & Soul Korea gets an engine upgrade, new content, and the third Force Master spec in December

Things for the Korean version of Blade & Soul are looking pretty sharp if a new trailer is any indication. At the end of...

Bethesda says Fallout 76 scrapbox bug is a ‘top priority’ as ‘class warfare’ griefing claims surface

Ah, Fallout 76. Fans went from eagerness for "Country Roads" to using that same song as a backdrop for a year in review video...

The MOP Up: The Division 2 places the Pentagon under siege

A pair of new narrative missions are coming soon to The Division 2, tasking players with liberating the Pentagon and exploring the DARPA research...

Black Desert Mobile celebrates soft launch and answers questions

It would seem the folks at Pearl Abyss simply told some of the community managers and developers for Black Desert Mobile to sit on...

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne launches on Steam on January 9

PC fans of Monster Hunter: World have been left in the cold without any firm launch date for the Iceborne expansion, but now they...

Inside Star Citizen shows off its procedurally generated space stations and food courts

In order to populate the universe of Star Citizen with various rest stops and space stations, the devs are going to have to put...

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen details racial passives with new video newsletter

Hey, kids! How do you like to take your newsletters? Do you like them in neatly organized and well-written text format, or do you...

Voidspace promises a survival MMO where players control the narrative, created items, and even inventions

In the vast majority of survival sandbox titles, creating items means you have to follow a pre-determined path or tree in order to unlock...

Halloween approaches for RIFT, Skyforge, Destiny 2, ARK, and Dauntless

We'll have our complete guide to Halloween across the MMO universe early next week, but we would be remiss not to mention some big...

Star Citizen brings the interdiction-fixing alpha 3.7.1 online and shares the schedule for CitizenCon

With the newest update to Star Citizen, the game has hopefully fixed its little space rock vs. face problem (spoiler: space rock wins). Alpha...

Pearl Abyss preps standalone Shadow Arena battle royale plucked from Black Desert

Remember Shadow Arena, Black Desert's short-lived PvP battle royale mode? It was announced just before 2019, released a few weeks later, and immediately devolved...

EVE Online’s NetEase-backed mobile EVE Echoes enters beta in December

EVE Online mobile MMO EVE Echoes is swooping past its summer alpha into a winter beta, according to an announcement from CCP Games and NetEase...
Sometimes it's... pretty clear.

Vague Patch Notes: Scammers, grifters, and amateurs in the MMORPG market

There are two apparent truisms about scams in the MMO marketplace. The first is that players are quick to call anything that vaguely stinks...

‘Unique social roleplaying experience’ Book of Travels begins Kickstarter

If you've often promised that you would support online RPGs that broke from tropish traditions and took risks, well, it's time to put your...