xbox 360

This is nice, right? Just being in a car?

You can now try The Crew for free on consoles

If you're still curious about Ubisoft's online racer The Crew, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that if you're...

Not So Massively: D3’s ladder reset, HOTS’ team league mode, and Starfall Tactics

Diablo III is getting ready to close its second ladder only two months in on April 5th but will be providing a 100% gold...

Final Fantasy XI welcomes spring with this week’s update

It's terribly hard to believe that it's already spring, particularly if you're watching a glacier slowly envelop your neighborhood in the northern hemisphere. Fortunately,...
Finding even a halfway decent screenshot of this game is a mathematical impossibility, I swear.

Wisdom of Nym: Exit Final Fantasy XI

It's all over for Final Fantasy XI. Or it will be, anyhow. It was hard to imagine that the big Final Fantasy XI conference was...
If you're not following @TruceSMV, you're missing context for this! Also you're making me sad because I have things there and I want you to love me.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite game to decompress with?

Moving is absolutely awful, as we all know, and I would be very happy to never move ever again. Once my computer was all...
Let me try that thing on.

Final Fantasy XI halts updates this year with one last storyline

How long should a game last? Final Fantasy XI has had an impressive run, but its glory days are indisputably past. That's why Square-Enix...
That's not a doll, guy.

Final Fantasy XI will hold a press conference on the future, but what will it say?

Final Fantasy XI feels a bit neglected with all of the hype surrounding Final Fantasy XIV's expansion, doesn't it? That's probably part of the...

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...

World of Tanks takes aim at Xbox One

World of Tanks may prove to be one of the most unstoppable online gaming invasions of the past five years, as the WWII sim...
Pictured: Love.

Final Fantasy XI previews its February version update

February's a short month, so it's easy to not expect much out of it. The team behind Final Fantasy XI is still bringing new...