xbox 360

The Game Archaeologist: Were sequels ever a good idea for MMOs?

From movies to books to video games, sequels (and all related spin-offs) are a common sight when a property is sufficiently successful enough. Even...

Destiny’s Sword offers up a new PvP demo, blames its radio silence on the pandemic

Do you recall Destiny's Sword? It's a tactical MMO that plays like X-Com but has a metagame where players have to also consider their...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: An entirely accurate and unassailable history of pet classes in MMORPGs

Pet classes! They're a very important part of MMORPGs, the opportunity to not just go into combat alone but to march in alongside a...
The other side.

Wisdom of Nym: So, if there is a Final Fantasy XVI…

It's been about a year since I wrote about Naoki Yoshida's mystery project, which still has not actually been announced in any way and...

Phantasy Star Online 2 is a fun treasure buried under antique contrivances and inconveniences

When I first booted up Phantasy Star Online 2, the only way to get to a suite of visual options that included making the...

The MOP Up: Second Life’s super expensive brothel

It's not every week that my editor marches up to me and demands that I cover virtual brothels as headlining stories, but this did...
Sometimes the game hates you trying to understand it.

Final Fantasy XI kicks off its Beat the Heat campaign on June 11

All heat must be beaten in Final Fantasy XI starting on June 11th. No, that's not when the game is adding some sort of Ambuscade...

Perfect Ten: Unconventional MMORPG magic classes

Earth. Fire. Air. Water. These elements are all well and good if you want to summon Captain Planet for some reason, but they make...

Final Fantasy XI brings back the Sunshine Seeker event on May 29

It's hard to be a plant in Final Fantasy XI, especially a walking one. After all, people are no doubt looking at you and...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s No Quarter

After March’s relatively lightweight release, Steel and Fire, a lot of Guild Wars 2 players were expecting something big from this month’s release, entitled...

Destiny 2 outlines Season 11 changes to perks, weapon archetypes, and the world loot pool

This week's TWAB is once again loaded with information about more changes due for Season 11 of Destiny 2. This time around, we're getting...

Defiance and Defiance 2050 are having 99 Problems (the event) once again

While Trion most certainly opened the doors wide for all kinds of jabs at the Defiance titles, we're going to try to take the...

The Crew 2 previews the joy of collections with the upcoming Hobbies update

Do you like to have a fine collection of valuable automobiles in The Crew 2? The game's next major updates is all about hobbies, hence...
No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI wishes its players well for its anniversary and looks to events and story soon

Saturday marked the 18-year anniversary of Final Fantasy XI from its original release in Japan, and that's a pretty big milestone. Unfortunately, it didn't...

PSA: Nearly all of Gamigo’s MMOs are handing out free codes to new arrivals

Earlier, we mentioned a refer-a-friend promotion that Gamigo is offering for Trove, but we'd be remiss if we didn't also point out that the...

Destiny 2 details Legendary infusion, adjustable Engrams, and a tweaked community quest

Bungie has kicked out a whole bunch of information for Destiny 2 this week. A great deal of it lies in the recent TWAB...
Pet action.

Final Fantasy XI offers free login goodies for players with two campaigns

We've already talked about how Final Fantasy XI had had to delay some anniversary fun, but that's not the same as removing all of the...
It's a tiny little sprout thing. It might kill you.

Vague Patch Notes: Player vs. class in Final Fantasy XI

I had finally hit level 41 on Red Mage in Final Fantasy XI. That was when the world changed, and if you played the game,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO would make for a great movie or miniseries?

MMORPGs crossing over into other entertainment mediums isn't unknown to us at this point, of course. There was that Warcraft movie that one time....

Gamigo is sunsetting more MMOs, this time Dragon’s Prophet EU and its sequel, Savage Hunt

Dragon's Prophet has not had the best run the last few years. In 2015, Daybreak sunsetted the US version of the game, though the...