xbox 360

Destiny 2 brings back Trials of Osiris on March 13, talks about changes to Seasons and weapon longevity

Destiny 2 is moving ever onward with the new and now, though some of its newest is actually a bit old. Remember when datamining...
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: Neat things that Star Trek Online did with Star Trek lore

I've been getting back into Star Trek Online recently, which really means that I've been scratching the surface of the game again for a bit...
Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.2 in review – the content

All right, here's the deal. Every time we get a new patch, I wind up finding that I have two of these columns' worth...

Jukebox Heroes: Ten MMOs that strongly support their soundtracks

It's one thing to put a lot of music in your MMORPG or even to release that launch-day album. It's another thing entirely to...
This is not a doll.

Final Fantasy XI brings the doll festival around once more

The doll festival is back in Final Fantasy XI from February 25th to March 11th. That's it! Post over. Wait, you need context? See, that's the...

Jack Emmert isn’t sure Daybreak will publish his next MMO, says DCUO is as big as it was four years ago

In January, Daybreak finally announced the fruits of its "realignment" that we'd been covering since last summer: It was splitting off new substudios for...

Final Fantasy XI’s latest patch adds a new avatar and a new monster to Domain Invasions

The good news about the latest update for Final Fantasy XI is that no one is upset about Summoners gaining access to a new avatar,...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPG do you wish got a glow-up?

No matter how much we love mechanics, even our most cerebral writers and readers still admit to being graphics snobs. It's human: We like...

Destiny 2’s latest emergency outage resulted in a nasty rollback for players

The Destiny 2 emergency outage yesterday that led to frustration across gaming sites and Reddit yesterday has been repaired, but it was not without...
And here we just keep going.

Guild Wars 2 just put an end to cheese mechanics in the Drakkar encounter

It's patch day for Guild Wars 2, and that usually means one of two things: a tiny one-line bug tweak, or a major release....

Grab a Defiance 2050 Urban Commando outfit from MOP and Gamigo

It's been a hot minute since we last talked about Defiance 2050, the MMO Trion Worlds spun off from the original Defiance back in...
Someone will get that reference.

Final Fantasy XI adds Siren for Summoners in the next version update

Sorry, folks, but you will not be able to stay away from the next update to Final Fantasy XI. You might want to, you might have...
It's just silly.

The MOP Up: SWTOR’s subscription tauntauns smell great on the outside

For all who subscribe to Star Wars: The Old Republic, there's a new gift waiting for you under your seat. You get a tauntaun!...

Destiny 2 elaborates on the Empyrean Foundation quest and shows off Twitch Prime goodies

Bungie's weekly update post is once more chock full of information, and this week it's focused on the next major quest due for the...
Same hat.

Datamining hints at a return of the Trials of Osiris PvP mode to Destiny 2

It would seem that the latest update to Destiny 2 had some tasty veins of data to mine. Dataminers of the multiplayer shooter who...

One Shots: Dragons — why’d it have to be dragons?

Dragons: They come in every shape, size, and element, and about all of the ones that have ever been invented exist inside one MMO...
I'm going to master letting this play instead of me.

World of Warcraft took a tumble in SuperData’s December 2019 revenue rankings

SuperData's December 2019 report on the global games industry's monthly revenue is up, and it's a head-scratcher indeed. On the PC side, there hasn't been...

Destiny 2 introduces a tantalizing new mystery in the Corridors of Time

It would appear that there's something afoot within Destiny 2 and its Corridors of Time location. A new quest that was stealthily introduced this...

Guild Wars 2 previews Shadows in the Ice’s best features in new trailer

Here we go, folks - with the Lunar New Year festival underway in Guild Wars 2, ArenaNet is now turning its promotional attention back...

Destiny 2’s launching a charity campaign to help victims of the Australian brushfires

Bungie is joining CCP Games on the short list (so far) of games studios using their titles to help with the Australian brushfire crisis....