Massively Overthinking: Our five favorite MMORPGs of all time


Earlier this week, Redditor maxpower888 started an epic thread on the /r/mmorpg sub asking everyone to chime in and name his or her top five MMORPGs of all time. I thought it was a nifty thread to skim to see how many times the same games kept popping up (and the same games turned up in combination with each other).

“You can tell how old people are by their lists,” one gamer objected, but I don’t think that’s necessarily true!

So for this week’s Overthinking, we’re going to join in the fun, then explain our choices and puzzle out what those choices say about us — don’t forget to click the entries to expand them for explanations! You should do the same down in the comments!


Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Don’t forget to click each one for an explanation!

#1: Asheron's Call
#2: Star Wars Galaxies
#3: Ultima Online/Lineage II
#4: EverQuest
#5: World of Warcraft

It’s hard not to include EVE Online here (admittedly another PvP game I’ve yet to jump into, unless you count Dust 514 or Valkyrie), but I feel as though the grand-daddies of MMOs did a few things. First, they were among some of the first successful MMOs that are IP based and more successful than their original titles (sorry, Asheron’s Call 2, I loved you but apparently I was in the minority).

Brendan Drain (@nyphur): (Brendan is on a plane destined for EVE Fanfest at the moment, but I think it’s safe to say EVE Online would top his list! -Eds)


Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I actually found the first four really easy and obvious, but my #5… ug! Click to expand each entry:

#1: Star Wars Galaxies
#2: City of Heroes
#3: Guild Wars
#4: Guild Wars 2
#5: Wrath era WoW

Still, that fifth one was rough. I could have as easily said Ultima Online, which I still playAsheron’s Call, one of the greats I wish I’d played much more at its peak; or Glitch, a brilliant little sandbox that actually made me unsub UO. Twice.


Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I hate doing these, mostly because I think they’re rarely all that revelatory and prompt exactly the sort of “no, this is a better game than your pick” waving that I find intensely unpleasant. That having been said, I also doubt anyone will be surprised by mine. (Click to expand each entry!)

#1: Final Fantasy XIV
#2: World of Warcraft
#3: City of Heroes
#4: Final Fantasy XI
#5: Star Trek Online

Easy runners-up: Guild Wars, Star Wars: The Old Republic, The Secret World, MapleStory, and Ryzom.

My beloved Dark/Ice Tanker, Mirror Maze. RIP, City of Heroes.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog) – clicky clicky click to expand!

#1: City of Heroes
#2: World of Warcraft
#3: Lord of the Rings Online
#4: The Secret World
#5: Guild Wars 2


MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): Anyone who has known me for five minutes should probably already know the top game on this list. It shouldn’t be terribly surprising that the other four share some main characteristics with the first, which is why they are games that I love (and still play). Click to expand my picks!

#1: Star Wars Galaxies
#2: The Secret World
#3: EverQuest II
#4: Lord of the Rings Online
#5: Vanguard
#6: ARK: Survival Evolved

I have some real hopes of adding Shroud of the Avatar to this list as it seems to fit right into my ideals. And that, if you haven’t guessed, is a living world that is a vehicle for creative expression. A place to explore. I don’t want a game to play, I want a story to live somewhere where my actions do have a real and lasting impact on the world, be it on a small or a sometimes large scale. How will it end? What happens next? These are the things that keep me coming back for more over and over again.

Your turn!

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